How memo becomes a blogging platform
The OP_RETURN limit have gone on BSV. Good feature!
Car regains control of itself. Besides being the safest in a crash, it is the safest because it avoids accidents.
Yesterday 311111-310860=251 memo transactions. Number of transactions📈5.0%|abc(311100-310849=251,📈5.0%),sv(700317-700064=253,📈29.7%)
Number of memo tx on BSV overtook BCH yesterday🤔 Seems not caused by timestamp flooding
using the right prefix would help...
"Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago." - Warren Buffett
Archeology is hillarious?
Well, Jihan Wu and Roger Ver should have rented hash to fight a hash war with Core instead of forking off to BCH. This was mistake number one.