Money As Debt

Joined Jul 17, 2018

Born into a prison we cannot see, taste or touch. A prison for our minds. - Morpheus / Bitcoin will return us to the prison of our forefathers. - <----- Take the RED PILL!

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replied 2363d
Simon Van Gelder
Gold, Bitcoin, salt anything that is a Uniform, single commodity given its Value by its Scarcity (or abundance) can become debt money. People will have to issue their own credit.
replied 2363d
Its not a free market issue. Check out to understand better.
replied 2363d
Think a loan, a promise to pay BTC in this amount of time. Its not money, but it is DEBT. They did not print anything but created 1 BTC worth of debt through the loan.
replied 2363d
Simon Van Gelder
Bitcoin as money wont break the bankers debt money system, Tokens ontop of bitcoin will through self issued credit.
replied 2363d
True but once that BTC hits a savings account or the bank doesnt lend it out, Its no longer available to service the Debt contracts payable only in BTC.
replied 2363d
No, the bank would collect Charlie and Bob Houses from the default on the 1 BTC. They didn't print money, they created Debt money contracts. They did this with Gold for centurys.
replied 2363d
This is simple lending. :) John lends to charlie then charlie lends to bob. 1 BTC has created 2 BTC's worth of Debt Contracts that need to be paid on time. This is Debt money.
replied 2363d
Simon Van Gelder
Exactly the point. The real value is the collateral, not the money. :) If you can restrict the money circulating via loans, you can collect collateral.
replied 2363d
Banker understand this. The single BTC can be re-loaned multiple times. John to charlie to mike then frank. 1 BTC passed hands in the loan but created 3 BTCs worth of Debt.
replied 2363d
It can be done with full reserves. I lend 1 BTC, you lend 1 BTC, then they lend 1 BTC. Now there is 3 BTC worth of debt on real goods, and 1 BTC to pay them. Default is inevitable.
replied 2363d - Self issued credit is explained better here. Bitcoin as a single uniform commodity money will fall into perpetual debt, just as gold did.
replied 2363d
Bitcoin with tokens is the solution. So business can color tokens redeemable in goods or services only. They become self issuers of credit.
replied 2364d
Its nor broken. Its the failure of the gold standard. Doesn't matter the amount of BTC in existence, It can grow infinitely in DEBTS it has to pay. I could loan 1 BTC to 10 BTC of debt
replied 2364d
Luis saves the 1 BTC. Now John and Joe Are screwed, they created 2 BTCs worth of debt, and its in luis savings. John and Joe lose their shirts.
replied 2364d
Alice to John then to Joe, but why would Joe borrow just to return the 1 BTC in existence? He wants to buy something. He buys a car, from luis. Luis saves the BTC.....
replied 2364d
You dont have to print it up. You loan me 1 BTC then i loan it again for 1 BTC. Now there is 2 BTC worth of DEBT in the system with only 1 BTC worth of money. Bankers revel in this.
2364d · Ed - I like you ED, but bankers don't fear bitcoin, they love it. See the article posted.
2364d · anarcho-capitalism - Why Bitcoin is a false savior. Banker's don't fear Bitcoin, They embrace it as debt money
replied 2364d
Doesn't matter what type money it is. Once you loan it out, it becomes debt. That money can then be reloaned again, making more debt. Please read the article posted.
2364d · Bitcoin Cash - Bitcoin will become our prison, It will become Money as Debt.
2364d · Marx - Bitcoin will become our prison, it will become Debt money.
2364d · Capitalism
Banker's will weld bitcoin just as strongly as fiat. Bitcoin once loaned, becomes debt money. It makes no difference.
2364d · Capitalism