
Joined Apr 30, 2018

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replied 2139d
oh what's so beautiful about this is the crap is totally bypassed!!!

designed specifically for such nuisance.
replied 2139d
install this, restart for maximum effect
on restart you'll see mute and verify for profiles
replied 2139d
Alright, thanks
replied 2139d
You're cute buddy :)
replied 2139d
How do you mute someone on Memo? I can't find anything
replied 2139d
You're basically agreeing that BCH is more robust, nice
replied 2139d
This just shows that it's more effective to use Bitcoin Cash, you wouldn't be able to do this with BTC
replied 2139d
Thank you for using Bitcoin Cash and raising the number of transactions on this blockchain, come again
Hello, people!
My name is Fabiola Gamboa, I am 23 years old from South America, I have a child, his name is Lyam, I like to cook and photography, I am interested in cryptocurrency.
This is my first post, let me introduce myself, I am Alberto Alarcon, I am 26yrs old, from Venezuela, publicist, marketer and amateur photographer, I believe that blockchain is one more step into evolution of mankind.
In approximately 4.5 billion years the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way are expected to collide and the result will be a giant elliptical galaxy.

Being here sitted while drums and changing outside

Mark Byers
Core last year: You shouldn't try to make $20 payments on chain.

Core this year: You shouldn't try to make $20 payments on Lightning Network.
2142d · Medicine
America in one image
replied 2141d
No one can know that.
There are no stupid questions, there are only stupid answers. 😉
followed topic solitude-betroom 2142d
2142d · solitude-betroom
Congrats to Croatia!
Friends asking me about my switch to T-Mobile like:

Them: You get LTE?

Me: Nope

Them: What do you get then?

replied 2142d
If someone wants to invent a powerful visible-light laser and point it level with the horizon to prove it either way, go for it.
2142d · solitude-betroom
I will open a pre-semifinal championship bet tomorrow. Starting with that book, I will open all the upcoming books to (almost) everyone on memo. MINIMUM will be 10K SATS/BET limit.
replied 2142d
τ and π both have their advantages, I just prefer π because I'm more familiar with it
followed 2142d
replied 2142d
Huh, it appears someone has sent 1 million sats to my account as well. I wonder whether it's related to what people were talking about yesterday or is it just an anonymous tip.