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saved 1004d
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saved 1005d
Wish I had this meme back in Halloween 😂 🧛‍♂️🩸 💉
#jabisbloodpoison #savethevampires
saved 1005d
It makes sense but is funny as simultaneous dichotomy:

We are all “different”, but all humans are the “same” (brothers & sisters).

Appeals to kinship similarity while preserving individual & sex differences 👍

Gotta be as children to enter Heaven bro
saved 1005d
I see where he’s coming from. BCH “Bitch” coin was better brand for that Goddess energy than us BS-V coin whose brand sounds like Bull Shit Vagina 😂 You have to admit love it hate em that BCH brand did a better job at attracting women into crypto.
saved 1005d
saved 1005d
But what is the point of being unique? To attract females sure. But spiritually unique? Seems unnecessary as connecting with one source would be uniform as does deviation from God’s will, “unique” behavior contrary to your situation could be evil?
saved 1005d
Add in free will, we can choose to be as special as those around us which is like you say means nobody is special, or we can choose to be unique. Unique from unique code or for a clone unique by behavior & actions.
saved 1005d
The combination of hilarity & tragedy is the divine comedy. Makes the dark one laugh turning that Miky way dark rainbow upside down into a smile. 🌈 🌚
saved 1005d
Everyone alive is from the chosen one sperm 👍 we are all special.
saved 1005d
saved 1005d
2022 is 2020-too! It’s a do-over year for everyone who missed pineal detox 20/20 vision in 2020, don’t miss again in 2020 Too!
#imeddo #detox #neuiodine #neusilver #neugold
saved 1005d
Detox iMedDo.com
saved 1005d
Syncretism with “Christ-light” & inner divine fire godhood yes. The people around Jesus who didn’t believe him thought he had a huge ego claiming to be the son of the God for sure. Christianity has built in ego inflation that God loves us, yup 👍
saved 1006d
2022 in the chinese zodiac is the “year of the black tiger”. My cat Rock (his brother Roll) is all black with a single white tiger-like stripe that goes from his face down his underbelly all the way to his backside. #bringit2022 #ihaveablacktiger
saved 1006d
Milk way reference detected. The great tree of life (&death) in the sky.
saved 1006d
The hardest part about being human is learning to love your own finite self which is best achieved through experience of God’s love for you when you connect your finite god self to your infinite God self. #Mandalla #SpiritMirror #Amanda #MustBeLoved
saved 1006d
The human prodigal son of God who has matured from falling from infinite to finite & then reconnected to infinite through love is, no surprise, the most beloved of God. #Godloveshumans
saved 1006d
saved 1006d
saved 1006d
This dichotomy: son of god versus demon is reconciled by my Druid nature which sees simultaneous existence of both. Light or Dark we all part of the same creation. Even demons are sons of God. Even angels are sins of God as no free will.
saved 1006d
Being finite in this dimension makes one look a fool to say “I AM God” as obviously not infinite. Yet even greater fool to say “I am not god” to deny ones connection/kinship with infinity. I guess best answer is: “I AM simultaneously both god and not God”
saved 1006d
It’s a tough question. In Greco-Buddhist PIE thought I AM not god but I AM one with god. Like a shard of god united with the infinite universe. So I’m a finite representation of my infinite god self. So I guess I am god. Son of god & demon both Ammit.
saved 1007d
Dark Side = Milky Way reference: Dark Rainbow 🌈
Upside Down Dark Side = 😊 Dark Smile.
Leaving the Dark Side Upside Down = Leaving God/Devil laughing 😂
Living the Dark Side Upside Down =
Living lighthearted. 😆 lighter than feather of truth MW ref.