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saved 1030d
You’d be surprised how many animals can also reflect.
saved 1030d
Spoiler alert:

In movie earth a giant egg.

My thoughts: why not put the embryo in the hollow moon? Maybe hollow moon made to be an artificial womb to transfer earth egg baby to save planet would have been better plot 😂
saved 1030d
saved 1030d
saved 1030d
Just saw Marvel’s Immortals movie. It was intriguing as strived for Epic but failed. Reviews generally agree too long & too many characters, but the real reason it fell flat & epic visuals wasted is because what it needed was simply a soundtrack.
saved 1031d
Put 1 drop NeuSilver colloidal silver in it.
saved 1031d
Had never heard of the Japanese Oni before very interesting Thankyou. https://yokai.com/oni/
saved 1031d
When people start trying to throw out the Nuremberg code it means it’s time to start enforcing the Nuremberg code.
saved 1031d
Bitch please, Florida is better for the future of the United States than the states that have broken with the US constitution. Florida gives me hope.
saved 1031d
saved 1032d
LoTR captures a historical theme of Carthagenian/Scottish/Persian alliance vs Roman/England alliance. The elephants/mamluks attacking Minas Tirith on Sauron’s side are a dead give away compare to Hannibal elephants attacking Rome in Carthaginian war
saved 1032d
Indeed & is funny to me as my ancestors are depicted as the bad guys in LoTR 😂 The white hand Orcs of Saruman appear to me to be modeled after the Scottish of Orkney. An Orc eats pork which the non pork eaters say tastes like human flesh yum 😋
saved 1032d
If you want to enjoy the treasure of the Bitcoin MetaTheSaurus you just first slay the Dragon of One World Totalitarianism that Bitcoin enables. The war of the Bitcoin ring has begun
saved 1032d
LoTR fans. Note eye 👁 of Smaug Dragon in The Hobbit stand-alone book & Eye of Sauron (Saur/Dragon On) in the Lord of the Rings trilogy are the same thing metaphorically.
Bitcoin is Dragon On! Get your Black Arrow & Gollum finger biters ready!
saved 1032d
Bitcoin is The Dragon 🐉 TheSaurus.
On chain storage is a treasury of more than just words.
#Metanet #Metaverse
saved 1032d
A Druid is a Dragon as they posses the Dragon wisdom (TheSaurus) magical treasure of words as literacy is magical ability with spelling ie spellcraft is wordcraft.
saved 1032d
A similar concept to the Dragon with treasure is the Mermaid with treasure Milky Way reference.
saved 1032d
Here is mainstream etymology which captures gist as treasure but misses the whole dragon-treasure connection. https://www.etymonline.com/word/thesaurus
saved 1032d
“Thesaurus” etymology is The-Saurus i.e. The Dragon. A Milky Way reference to the Dragon Horde with the stars as gold & silver coins hence mainstream etymology as a “treasure”. A treasure of words as stars write runes in the sky. #thesaurus #etymology
saved 1032d
Galadriel name appears to me to similar to Gabrielle angel 😇 name.
“Saur” means lizard so Saruman = Lizard Man & Sauron I interpret as the “Lizard of On“. Both Druids/Dragons. Saur/Dragon & Galadrielle/Angel both Milky Way references.
saved 1032d
A lot of education makes a fool extra dangerous. 👌💪😝
saved 1032d
Doesn’t matter as his works have already educated an army of druids posthumously. Tolkien distilled history & the old religion in myth. If you truly understand you will see that Galadriel 🧝‍♀️ is the same as Sauron the lizard of On (Heliopolis, Egypt)
saved 1032d
He might be right. I can see hordes of weak vaccinated orc degenerates (gmo elves) banding together to attack world of non gmo unvaccinated men.

Orcs of Orkney possess the golden key 🔐 to heaven but no longer know how to use it as their pineal fried.
saved 1032d
saved 1032d
The trick is that true /= truth.

But two trues (perceived by each other as true to self & as false to other) do equal truth.

What is truth? It is greater than true or false encompassing them both. Truth is all. Truth is “God”