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saved 995d
saved 995d
Here’s the song I’m currently using for meditation 🧘‍♂️ for taming the beast system. #leviathan #ignea
saved 995d
yes they definitely “channeled God” as each individual is capable of doing when you connect to your inner genius. Rock stars become mandalas that reflect the inner divine & resonate with the inner divine in the heart of their audience.
saved 995d
Buy her some health supplements with BSV & show her that your crypto “death” addiction can be used for life as well! iMedDo.com
saved 995d
Yes I’ve come to realize that Bard is a real type of Druid healer & as a non musician healer myself I’m fascinated by “medicinal music”. Rage is particularly good at countering mind control & lyrics display prophecy & knowledge of time shifting.
saved 995d
Rage Against the Machine!
saved 995d
Vxpass is using the protocol for evil. Definite utility for slavers with BSV slave-ware. Vaxpass is to BSV what pedophile trafficking & murder for hire is to BTC. Sure you can do it but if you do you a criminal as causes injury to others.
saved 995d
I thought of another great important use case for Vaxpass! We can link our private medical status like vax status identify to a Communist Chinese social credit score system to control & enslave users!!!! Such important work! Not! Unimportant useless evil.
saved 996d
saved 996d
The people advocating for mandatory experimentation on human subjects are criminals & can expect to be on trial at end of the vaccine war on a new Nuremberg trail. What is the penalty once their intentional mass poisoning is proven? Death 💀 to poisoners!
saved 996d
The US Supreme Court Justices seem clueless on vaccines & please note that their “opinion” unless it aligns with “We the People” to defend the Constitution is null & void. Mandatory vaccines are illegal in US as unconstitutional period.
saved 996d
saved 996d
Everyone who thought freedom on Bitcoin didn’t need defending has been proven wrong by history already. Bitcoin has already lost shattered into a thousand shards & what’s left that scales BSV looks like “Bull Shit Vaccine” coin #vaxpass #bsv #gatesfunding
saved 996d
You think VXPass on Bitcoin is important? Important for securing that Gates funding maybe 😂 No thanks, not interested in poisoning for profit as I’m defender of the Hippocratic oath unlike charlatans in Vxpass pretending to be doing “digital medicine”.
saved 996d
Nice to meet you Sir Ziryan! To take down Bill Gates, meditate on the sign of the unicorn 🦄 http://imeddo.club/news/blog/2020/06/
saved 996d
My point is that if you slay a beast with an even bigger beast better make sure that bigger beast not turn on you. Bitcoin in Bill Gates control through his CoinGeek puppet is a scary beast indeed.
saved 996d
BSV when used for slave-ware is an even worse beast system than the current big tech beast in place. We must guard it better for freedom-ware. Already the slave-ware such as vaxpass has been promoted over freedom-ware & BSV looks like threat to humanity.
saved 996d
saved 996d
If you thought the Big Tech Beast was big & bad wait till you see the size of the big bad BSV Beast that swallows them. Bitcoin is the real “Beast System.” BSV needs to deal with its own vaxpass demons before can save the world.
saved 996d
I’m honored 🙏 nice to connect with likeminded people, I followed you back by the way.
saved 996d
Now that the traitor general has been identified let’s see if the other Byzantine Generals can get their shit together to coordinate opposition.
saved 996d
Calvin Ayre (CoinGeek) has sold us out to Bill Gates. I was first to notice & draw attention to this problem back in December 2020. Thx for helping me spread the word. http://imeddo.club/news/blog/2020/12/
saved 996d
saved 996d
saved 996d
Capitalism without the law of medicine is insanity. Take notice of the insane people who believe it is more profitable to poison & murder with vaccines in the name of medicine than heal & oppose them as you are well & sane to do so.