
Joined Apr 24, 2018

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replied 2321d
So your saying that the US actually caused this problem & are systematically imposing propaganda to demonize the victims of its actions? SHOCKING! SURELY THEYVE NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE!
replied 2324d
Maybe Memo should have a higher cost of entry and use?
replied 2324d
Bot voting is not the issue Memo solves. I already have voting bots software for voting on polls and bringing posts on top of Ranked and Top: https://bit.ly/2qbWOF5
set profile pic 2333d
Enlightened lmao. Start inbreeding now and maybe you're great grandkids could be considered half royal.
Sk8eM dUb
2483d · Capitalism
Capitalism works great when business owners have to compete(with good wages, benefits, work/leisure balance) for the labor of their employees.
2484d · memo
Just released a visual update including a settings page with default tip and a dark theme. Let us know what you think!
I got banned on r/bitcoin 🍾
Every like+reply gets 10000 satoshi
replied 2487d
No, but nice strawman.
replied 2487d
Nonsense. You cannot deny that one must participate in the system, there is no freedom. You comply with the rules of the system or you are excluded.
replied 2487d
Jim Phillips
The choice between exploiting the poor and being exploited is no freedom either friend. Don't be naive.
replied 2487d
They're trying to brigade the site, and fill a 32mb block with memes. Adorable.
Miles and miles of linkie memes forever perserved on the blockchain.
This message is on-chain, immutable. It cannot be censored or reversed. 250 tx/s is now the gold standard among SHA-256 coins. Can't spam it. Can't fill the mempool. 1 sat/byte will get you in the next block! #BeCash
2491d · Capitalism
@snugg. Commies see greed and corporate crimes and atrocities.
2491d · Marx
Capital from those without to those with capital. Working as intended.
followed 2498d
I love you Becca
replied 2498d
Competition! A winner will emerge over time
I wonder if hashtags are a good idea on this platform?
Bruce Lee
Someone made a tool site which records memo TX per day! https://temo.cash
followed 2503d
replied 2504d
where is the dev plan?
followed 2504d