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saved 1216d
It's shocking to me that the "existential threat" of climate change gets pushed front and center while everyone remains silent on this issue.
saved 1216d
Then there's this. The last 3 years certainly haven't improved either.
saved 1216d
Thanks, Doc! He makes it easy. So much personality in a tiny body 😄
saved 1217d
The dog just throat punched me with his head trying to get in my lap. I thought I might die for a minute.
Happy Monday! 😫
saved 1220d
saved 1220d
Warm buttermilk biscuits with fresh raspberry jam. God tier.
saved 1222d
It's Mr. Bean's 2nd birthday 🎉
He got an ear of kron and a red pig for surviving another year. He couldn't be happier 😂
saved 1229d
Curious...🌊 🙏
[email protected]
saved 1233d
I know. Its my sense of humor...struck me as funny 😆
saved 1233d
They belong to my son(s) so do his worst, lol. I was just curious bc I didnt realize some were as dated as they are. Never ask, never know 🤑
saved 1233d
Sorta feels like my parents are getting divorced right now.. 😟
saved 1244d
So, I smoked down last night and had an epiphany and @6644 made it into a meme! He has my 💜😂
saved 1246d
Wow, thank you! What a treat, I'm honored.
/pay @6172 $1
saved 1246d
Happy snow day sunday to me! My Baby gave me a Nespresso Vertuo for Xmas and I just got new pods. FYI, its amazing! Almost hands free, makes creamy froth and reads barcoded pods to measure liq by drink style! So many options I feel spoiled each morning 💜
saved 1247d
I think earnings is calculated in. Your payouts may have skewed your ranking in that regard.
saved 1247d
We've been getting hammered every couple of days with snow. Not huge accumulation, just messy conditions regularly. Mr. Bean got the fomo and decided to take a lap. 30 second boomerang then burried himself in the pillows. Bless it 🥰
saved 1252d
@6695 look what I found..
saved 1252d
Nice! Lookout, Twetch! 😉
saved 1252d
You are off to a good start! Enjoy Twetch 🙂
/pay @25934 $1
saved 1253d
I don't know man. I'd rather be in hell with my back broken than watch that shit. I saw all the hype about it though. They certainly put the work in trying to sell it with that parade of Hollywood's "finest" 🤮
saved 1253d
Yes, please!
saved 1254d
Bruh, I hear ya! It was the oxymoron "one pack" and the visual that cracked me up. Then I thought "Well, nobody asks for your opinion either.." and then I spewed tea all over the table 🤣🤣🤣
saved 1258d
Is dividing and politically targeting our military part of Biden's unity msg? Bc nothing screams unity more than a white, cognitively deminished politician, surrounded only by military of correct political bias, dazzle a contentious populace w Lady Gaga.
saved 1259d
Our kids here are going back to in-person learning on Monday...right after the peaceful transition of power 🕊⏳
saved 1259d
I stopped watching the news after the election. I had to. I get bits and pieces here and from the hubby. So idk whats being reported, cant trust it, but it certainly feels like there is an information blackout and that rattles me.