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saved 886d
saved 887d
Varna. Photo from this week
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saved 888d
The Baba Stana district is near the village of Oreshak in Troyan Municipality.
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saved 889d
Dobrich in the snow
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saved 890d
Sandinski Center in January. Very cold but beautiful.
Always worth a visit on the way to the ski areas.
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saved 891d
Ruse center today. Little snow but very cold.
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saved 892d
Dondukovo Dam, Plovdiv-Sredna Gora region
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saved 893d
Ravnogor - Равногор
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saved 894d
Veliko Tarnovo - Велико Търново
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saved 895d
Kutela - Кутела in winter.
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saved 909d
Sopot - Сопот is a city in central Bulgaria.
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saved 910d
Razlog - Разлог. Park in the center.
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saved 913d
Wine & SPA Complex Starosel.
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saved 915d
St. Nicholas Church - the miraculous chapel
in the area of Stariya Chark above Velingrad.
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saved 917d
Greetings from Varna and wish you all a Happy New Year 2022
saved 918d
Mount Botev in winter.
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saved 919d
The Dushanzi reservoir is located in the Sredna Gora Mountains, south of the Balkan Mountains in central Bulgaria.
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saved 920d
Borovets is a tourist resort in the Rila Mountains of Bulgaria. It is the largest and oldest mountain resort in Bulgaria.
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saved 925d
Euxinograd is the former summer residence of the Bulgarian tsars on the Black Sea.
The facility is located 10 km northeast of the city center of the port city of Varna.
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saved 926d
Mini Bulgaria Park - Miniature Park in Veliko Tarnovo!
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saved 927d
Hut Kom, Montana Region.
via Berkovitsa, in Stara Planina.
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saved 927d
Pamporovo - Пампорово
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saved 929d
Varna. Photo from this week.
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saved 929d
Pleven at Christmas time.
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saved 931d
Druzhbensko lake in Sofia in the evening.
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