-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlists:
19tFcqqJXag5saSj (https://memo.sv/profile/19tFcqqJXag5saSjjaqA7dRvzet9VEniuu) and 1L3d1WvytCwxhc8t (https://memo.sv/profile/1L3d1WvytCwxhc8tZBV6iCXvAcXgQmHBxp) are cheaters that are also associated with all the previous addresses, the main address is 1HWek3pdzeLdDB7soKXFGCvbyBWswYWRdn -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1GAD7asn8NxCboinv57bLqYqrq8gsyqkei H5aeJ1jSqCoQQ8PdjD8sQACRsx/pU+diEJSUiUcv8Gu8izQROscVlg7+5rv2Aud2+bYKgQBYwWcCgE/g/BdBoqw= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlists:
19tFcqqJXag5saSj (https://memo.sv/profile/19tFcqqJXag5saSjjaqA7dRvzet9VEniuu) and 1L3d1WvytCwxhc8t (https://memo.sv/profile/1L3d1WvytCwxhc8tZBV6iCXvAcXgQmHBxp) are cheaters that are also associated with all the previous addresses, the main address is 1HWek3pdzeLdDB7soKXFGCvbyBWswYWRdn -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1GAD7asn8NxCboinv57bLqYqrq8gsyqkei H5aeJ1jSqCoQQ8PdjD8sQACRsx/pU+diEJSUiUcv8Gu8izQROscVlg7+5rv2Aud2+bYKgQBYwWcCgE/g/BdBoqw= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----
I tried to send the incoming date to the ETC network.
This is hundreds of times cheaper, 22 thousand characters (the length of the average post) they cost me less than 10 cents.
You can check the text https://etcblockexplorer.com/tx/0x35b1bc7b9a17dc9e0ecf0f5ee6e4c4a88fe21c474f3560561bf22bc274a4de19.
You need to decode hex to text and you will get a message. I think this is the best way of all wich presented.
We need to understand which address will be the !!!mother address in the ETC network and use this as an alternative.
The address consists of 0-9 and A-F characters, generating a beautiful address is a difficult task.
For example 0x547FaCE777777777777777777777777777777777
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- I tried to send the incoming date to the ETC network. This is hundreds of times cheaper, 22 thousand characters (the length of the average post) they cost me less than 10 cents. You can check the text https://etcblockexplorer.com/tx/0x35b1bc7b9a17dc9e0ecf0f5ee6e4c4a88fe21c474f3560561bf22bc274a4de19. You need to decode hex to text and you will get a message. I think this is the best way of all wich presented. We need to understand which address will be the !!!mother address in the ETC network and use this as an alternative. The address consists of 0-9 and A-F characters, generating a beautiful address is a difficult task. For example 0x547FaCE777777777777777777777777777777777 -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1GAD7asn8NxCboinv57bLqYqrq8gsyqkei IPo4J0VTjwjsa2KDL3TZr7UniuIX8qCmwhE09BkvTY6nJRO2Lkkb7+GK2XIituHMcvA0VlcuVa/TFm66SNf+Nbs= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- I tried to send the incoming date to the ETC network. This is hundreds of times cheaper, 22 thousand characters (the length of the average post) they cost me less than 10 cents. You can check the text https://etcblockexplorer.com/tx/0x35b1bc7b9a17dc9e0ecf0f5ee6e4c4a88fe21c474f3560561bf22bc274a4de19. You need to decode hex to text and you will get a message. I think this is the best way of all wich presented. We need to understand which address will be the !!!mother address in the ETC network and use this as an alternative. The address consists of 0-9 and A-F characters, generating a beautiful address is a difficult task. For example 0x547FaCE777777777777777777777777777777777 -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1GAD7asn8NxCboinv57bLqYqrq8gsyqkei ICmgRzFxYjzckdLkHUDE2zsIOFOvPQadLXFnttO6Q//A/ylvOadYBxXn8jTX+SwrpA+Iw0yMYb9Jx60Ci93tHG4= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----
I have tested the method of sending messages using ethereum transactions using the example of my test transaction, I can report the following information:
1) To familiarize yourself with the text, you need to do the following on the transaction page https://etherscan.io “Click to see More” menu -> “Input Data:” - UTF-8 - here you can see the text that I previously prepared for “ Input Data ”in the sent transaction. I wanted to check text about 20,000 characters long (average size of wishlists on memo.sv) but sending 3168 characters cost me ~ 70 $. It will take about $ 440 to send 20,000 characters at current exchange rates.
2) For prepare the text, you must do the following:
On the website https://www.asciitohex.com in the “Text (ASCII / ANSI)” field, enter your own text for the list, then copy the outgoing value from the “Hexadecimal” field and remo...
1) To familiarize yourself with the text, you need to do the following on the transaction page https://etherscan.io “Click to see More” menu -> “Input Data:” - UTF-8 - here you can see the text that I previously prepared for “ Input Data ”in the sent transaction. I wanted to check text about 20,000 characters long (average size of wishlists on memo.sv) but sending 3168 characters cost me ~ 70 $. It will take about $ 440 to send 20,000 characters at current exchange rates.
2) For prepare the text, you must do the following: On the website https://www.asciitohex.com in the “Text (ASCII / ANSI)” field, enter your own text for the list, then copy the outgoing value from the “Hexadecimal” field and remo...
1) To familiarize yourself with the text, you need to do the following on the transaction page https://etherscan.io “Click to see More” menu -> “Input Data:” - UTF-8 - here you can see the text that I previously prepared for “ Input Data ”in the sent transaction. I wanted to check text about 20,000 characters long (average size of wishlists on memo.sv) but sending 3168 characters cost me ~ 70 $. It will take about $ 440 to send 20,000 characters at current exchange rates.
2) For prepare the text, you must do the following: On the website https://www.asciitohex.com in the “Text (ASCII / ANSI)” field, enter your own text for the list, then copy the outgoing value from the “Hexadecimal” field and remo...
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- The cheater has always been here and he came back again today.
Antiputin (https://memo.sv/profile/1D3dJdbczpAZbLKuiDmzwAaYTteCvB8tWK) - cheater, which I wrote about earlier. He sents to himself satoshi for the post, the same texts, the same performers of the text. He is associated with all previous accounts and with the main cheat account 1HWek3pdzeLdDB7soKXFGCvbyBWswYWRdn
in russian topic 1yHYDxwMvxHKKope (https://memo.sv/profile/1yHYDxwMvxHKKopeDCUTmFaJFkm3t4s2j) - he is also this person wich associated with all previous accounts and with the main cheat account 1HWek3pdzeLdDB7soKXFGCvbyBWswYWRdn
thus, in a few days, he added the number of his accounts to 60+. -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1GAD7asn8NxCboinv57bLqYqrq8gsyqkei IH7mbnifMY7sL66R1danxwIqrL+gInEuK/KBn6tn79K0qM80/u6dzVkXSv1cqo2sdzlpvC9dZ+XO6CltpzIg+SQ= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- The cheater has always been here and he came back again today.
Antiputin (https://memo.sv/profile/1D3dJdbczpAZbLKuiDmzwAaYTteCvB8tWK) - cheater, which I wrote about earlier. He sents to himself satoshi for the post, the same texts, the same performers of the text. He is associated with all previous accounts and with the main cheat account 1HWek3pdzeLdDB7soKXFGCvbyBWswYWRdn
in russian topic 1yHYDxwMvxHKKope (https://memo.sv/profile/1yHYDxwMvxHKKopeDCUTmFaJFkm3t4s2j) - he is also this person wich associated with all previous accounts and with the main cheat account 1HWek3pdzeLdDB7soKXFGCvbyBWswYWRdn
thus, in a few days, he added the number of his accounts to 60+. -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1GAD7asn8NxCboinv57bLqYqrq8gsyqkei IF2H8H/lHuLuq+ok+6Eaz471keL+ZK/wHJCQ1t0ijX+x0IQJEVM7SVIMTC7pbMIockRa8MVmy0byy41H/eFW87s= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----
if I understand correctly, you are sending a newsletter with an encrypted website link name to those bitcoin addresses that have a balance. For example 1Lets1xxxx1use1xxxxxxxxxxxy2EaMkJ, I want to say that this is a huge job that has spent a lot of time, and it will be illogical to change the site or create a new blockchain, we need to wait and donate Satoshi to each other until the problem is solved. If the problem is not solved by the fall of 21, we can switch to memo.cash. We can make posts and make transactions in this system, even if it's not cool.
I haven't found a solution, but I have a suggestion. I have almost 3 million Satoshi, until the problems are solved, you may like this post even more, in turn, I undertake to give satoshi to everyone who asks, I will do it 2 times a day, even if there are suspicions that this is a fraudster, the person will still get satoshi, and then we will figure it out. Satoshi are sent to memo in a minute. Satoshi sent from cold wallets, it seems to me that they do not reach at all. To start doing this, I need permission from you.
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- Alexey Navalny, 1JXi7k1i2FugLaam, 14Tq3X6ZYVhp6ztt, 1FE6wuPFqcUGLMuP - the same cheater as i wrote before. Now he is trying to do this from 4 accounts, according to my scheme, it is easy to track that all transactions in the blockchain network lead to one person 1HWek3pdzeLdDB7soKXFGCvbyBWswYWRdn.
he says that this is impossible, and that people around the world ask each other for satoshi in the hmwyda topic, while he asks himself from all these accounts and sends them almost instantly. This can also be seen by the word " satoHi"
Alexey Navalny - you're a rat and you're holding the admin for a fool, he warms you up to inflame the situation, and you don't understand this)) you are already deanonymized, and my advice to you is to quickly think about your safety.
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- Alexey Navalny, 1JXi7k1i2FugLaam, 14Tq3X6ZYVhp6ztt, 1FE6wuPFqcUGLMuP - the same cheater as i wrote before. Now he is trying to do this from 4 accounts, according to my scheme, it is easy to track that all transactions in the blockchain network lead to one person 1HWek3pdzeLdDB7soKXFGCvbyBWswYWRdn.
he says that this is impossible, and that people around the world ask each other for satoshi in the hmwyda topic, while he asks himself from all these accounts and sends them almost instantly. This can also be seen by the word " satoHi"
Alexey Navalny - you're a rat and you're holding the admin for a fool, he warms you up to inflame the situation, and you don't understand this)) you are already deanonymized, and my advice to you is to quickly think about your safety. -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1GAD7asn8NxCboinv57bLqYqrq8gsyqkei H77B7I7P04jIwyvIzvD3ggkHoF7F9K0d5s84iJwzmuA5RG9fmwvWl/w2QCEBYr2pawCbpE9ej0VqKBZB/m6swNA= -----END BITC...
I also almost got through to his contact details through the exchange site, the game is gaining momentum
We are also waiting for his post from 14Tq3X6ZYVhp6zttszJLU8jc33uZzfQQKq https://memo.sv/profile/14Tq3X6ZYVhp6zttszJLU8jc33uZzfQQKq -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1GAD7asn8NxCboinv57bLqYqrq8gsyqkei IKsdGiQ3y3/PNGSaHqsD+KgU3CNqH3aHigCzHVcFbVuCf5ioiYCuqFnDi9oeaWT1/CsQTmM5QvWzgdtn2h4QIzI= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----
I also almost got through to his contact details through the exchange site, the game is gaining momentum
We are also waiting for his post from 14Tq3X6ZYVhp6zttszJLU8jc33uZzfQQKq https://memo.sv/profile/14Tq3X6ZYVhp6zttszJLU8jc33uZzfQQKq -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1GAD7asn8NxCboinv57bLqYqrq8gsyqkei IMLrKxAAosbswQz+RQXJDzVXGG1lp1PzsbbFc+qGadnOOTH764EyCHsvc69Rqo/zsMfD5LZ09zYzfPk7ifeXbjM= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- 1H6Cnwr2g7iSfQxk - same cheater and the same person. Same transactions, logic and lie. I wrote 1 hour ago that he will be post from this acc. You can see https://memo.sv/a/cf240f91de -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1GAD7asn8NxCboinv57bLqYqrq8gsyqkei INebg28KHimR4INPZquH/+7D5zAv7KdhUlkwNUgKgHv6yZcBlQdCtDlKAJO4pBDrXyRgX97cwlwAEuA404BtMEw= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist: 1dqqbScYgnJikTjQ (https://memo.sv/u/1dqqbScYgn) the cheater I wrote about earlier. This is the same person as 1Gpg7oYcAfta8TLc, 1LD9X7531EqhxGybchTZ2zVcBRRzuJjTs4, 1HWek3pdzeLdDB7soKXFGCvbyBWswYWRdn and other 30 accounts that are described here https://memo.sv/a/87930e7e0c. Be honest, do not try to deceive everyone, otherwise you may be a target in the future. You ask for a donation, you throw it off to yourself from your account, also in the list of copy-pasts of his previous cheater posts. We are also waiting for his posts from cheater accounts-1KxsPgzw1UXeMh9T (https://memo.sv/u/1KxsPgzw1U ) and 1H6Cnwr2g7iSfQxk (https://memo.sv/u/1H6Cnwr2g7) -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1GAD7asn8NxCboinv57bLqYqrq8gsyqkei HySJFW4W2cwKZc2QSD2Myo2wMgxs5UZ3z/0z1MEbbvXfkAeM/12yXT5B8azdOvGwNFz1c2xcGSnP7k3OxyWeAWk= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----