
Joined Apr 21, 2018

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replied 1939d
More than a few photos of that on ☺️ also TY for the crypto love! 🥰
replied 1939d
Lovely. Can i get a butt pic of you stuffed in some Daisy Dukes?
followed 2012d
replied 2023d
Honestly, i think Trump would defeat Roger Ver. The critical point would be when Trump bites the entire ear off of Ver.
replied 2023d
Why didn't you say "We will organize and defeat ya'll"? Why so inefficient?
replied 2023d
Roger Ver versus Donald Trump? (seriously, think about it)
Who would win in a steel cage, anything goes death match: Calvin Ayre or Craig Wright?
replied 2029d
Love that. Thank you.
replied 2029d
'Time' is not an observable in the Quantum world. It's not fundamentally real. But enjoy the illusion.
replied 2030d
I do have bch tshirts. Bu no lingerie :)
replied 2030d
Do you have BCH lingerie? If not let's make it happen.
replied 2030d
AHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHH good job ahahhahahahhah
replied 2030d
Wait, i thought i was texting #RoyalTiffany ...WTF?
replied 2030d
Can i get a sweaty butt crack pic? Thanks. Love ya.
Part of me thinks that i should wait to increase my position in BCH until after BTC fully collapses - it's bound to drag the crypto market with it. But maybe BCH will strengthen as BTC collapses. Really not sure.
2099d · RoyalTiffany
Halfway there!!
replied 2088d
Awesome! I'm up for a game of hide the Salami, - you too?
2099d · RoyalTiffany
Halfway there!!
2143d · RoyalTiffany
replied 2142d
why you so fine, girl? i'd love to play hide the salami with you
2142d · RoyalTiffany
replied 2190d
Google is your friend mate. Quite watching CNN for a change.