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saved 1313d
To those not privy to the nuances of the subject, it’s off-putting to see the weight the community puts on one man’s shoulders.

If one cares about the price of the asset, the conversation should revolve around the tech and not Craig’s shortcomings.
saved 1313d
Alright that gave me a good laugh :) My question remains though:

Why continue to discuss Craig’s personal endeavors when the current state of the BSV protocol blows away most if not all other projects? Why subject new investors years of pent up contempt?
saved 1313d
May you succeed in every endeavor you pursue brother! We’re all here to here where we can, and I mean that wholeheartedly.

A better tomorrow is always on the horizon, and you are actively changing the landscape by manifesting reality with your word.
saved 1313d
Dwelling on it is essentially choosing to direct your energy towards complaining about things out of your control..

As opposed to bettering the project and community with that same energy. No growing up necessary brother but you can take it or leave it.
saved 1313d
Never once did I address you personally in my comments, only the community.

Do YOI believe acting as if the decisions of a single man dictate the future success of the project is positive or negative? I want to succeed with you but the community is jaded
saved 1313d
Yes tell the person who’s held Bitcoin since 2011 that they’re missing nuance.

You don’t see me bitching about Craig’s personal decisions when there is tech to fall back on. Take what I’m saying to heart, your words have weight. How will you use them?
saved 1313d
BSV has the most versatile and well developed blockchain technology in the industry. Start fucking acting like it! 🐒

BSV is so far ahead of the rest of the market it’s disgusting. But most BSV users can’t get past “Craig this! Craig that! Craig said!” ☠️
saved 1313d
Me! Literally me, lol. Been using Bitcoin as currency since 2011 and bought my first bag BSV last week.

The only thing giving me second thoughts is the self-loathing that emanates from the community. Take control of your own destiny or get off the ride.
saved 1313d
Would you want to invest in a project where the community’s perception of project “success” relies solely on the decisions of a single man?

BSV can be moved in any direction you can imagine, it’s one of the many reasons why I decided to invest.
saved 1313d
Words alter perception which impact collective consciousness.

Who wants to invest in a community that feels sorry for themselves? Or even worse, a project who’s success relies solely on the actions of one man? Very few.
saved 1313d
The biggest hurdle the BSV community faces is users seeking to put the project’s shortcomings on Craig’s back. Talk tech, not drama.

BSV has the most versatile and well developed blockchain technology in the industry. Start fucking acting like it! 🐒
saved 1313d
As someone who has been using Bitcoin as a currency since 2011 but only recently joined the BSV community.. the biggest hurdle we face is FUDing ourselves.

Who invests in a project where the community hates itself and moans they haven’t got rich quick?
saved 1313d
You made a conscious decision at the time and now you have the opportunity to make another. Will you fight for the project you saw opportunity in, or move on to another project that better suits your vision?

Be the change you want to see.
saved 1313d
saved 1313d
You come across as if you are beyond saving yourself. If this is the case, do us all a favor and sell your assets and move on — your inability to conquer your trauma inhibits the future success of the project.
saved 1313d
Sounds as if you are using the past as an excuse to play victim in the present. When does the community remove its shackles and begin to flourish on its own?

Are you capable of moving past such hurdles? Or are you simply waiting for someone to save you?
saved 1313d
The tech speaks for itself. If the BSV community nailed down cohesive talking points surrounding the tech as opposed to the drama we’d already be mooning

Only those too helpless to stand on their own two feet rely on others to create their wealth for them
saved 1313d
Comparing the BSV and Q movements is a step in the wrong direction. Many who consider themselves participants in the industry are unfamiliar with Craig’s ongoing litigation efforts.

To lump the two together brings over unnecessary stigma.
saved 1313d
saved 1313d
saved 1313d
Individuals who are waiting on someone to “save them” (I’m looking at you, people who bitch about Craig) will never make it.

BSV has the most versatile and well developed blockchain technology in the industry. Start fucking acting like it! 🐒
saved 1313d
Bullish af
saved 1313d
saved 1313d
-clears throat-
-looks around the room-
pee pee poo poo
saved 1313d
“You are the plan”
“You are the soon”
Build it and they will come 🙏🏻