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saved 1520d
Want to use the hosting I use for clients that needs some serious demand for visitors? Starts at $10 a month! A few dollars more than a shared hosting account, but with unlimited potential for upcoming growth! https://sym.re/Rzg78AL
saved 1521d
Earn a micropayment for each question you answer on obsurv.me, it changes the game of surveys and will be more valuable than Earn (now just Coinbase) that once used BTC payments for answering paid surveys.

Obsurv lets every answer being paid instantly.
saved 1521d
saved 1521d
I agree on this @2. This issue is not being taken seriously enough. I've been working to disconnect from my Gmail for the last year, so much connected to it over the last 15 years.

Running my own email [email protected] is a good start most should do.
saved 1521d
saved 1521d
saved 1521d
saved 1521d
TSLA was $240 a while ago with a butt load of shorters skyrocketing the price as they fall in line. I know I know, not the same, just saying for the fun of it all.

Up or down we go, but when very few knows, but a lot speculate.
saved 1522d
saved 1522d
US student debt is more than the world combined.

I feel sorry for a majority of all 18 year olds having legal access to this stupidity.

I started university, but quit after 6 months, not my cup of tea. Got $2K in debt, went to military, then work.
saved 1522d
Use Bitcoin.
saved 1522d
It doesn't matter how safe your computer are if 1 of your services (*cough Twitter*) logs your IP (with other data) and hackers are able to figure out where you live. For some this is very valuable data.

VPN seems to be needed.
saved 1523d
saved 1523d
saved 1523d
saved 1523d
That being said, reading public Bitcoin data will be free for 100% of the population worldwide.

However anyone (except legal use from court cases, legal framework news businesses etc.) that wants to use your data in Business can't get away from paying.
saved 1523d
Future data consumption is embedded Bitcoin data that pays instant royalties coherent with the value decided by a legal operated AI on Bitcoin that honors your embedded TOS.

The earliest data with no embedded TOS will be protected by law.
saved 1523d
saved 1523d
Who needs Twitter?
saved 1523d
Looking forward to unlimited characters, so I don't need to go back & delete words or rewrite sentences. Which again leads to errors in sentences as I forget (brain ignores it) to edit the wording.

It's best to write without editing, true story.
saved 1523d
Some might haven't noticed what's will happen with education, so I will tell you:

This unprepared & hasty digital push will slaughter the (fake) transparency managed by universities, so expect massive digitally recorded school structure scandals.
saved 1523d
saved 1523d
If I am not free while working, I am not free in my free-time.

Don't do what's expected if it goes against what your aim for in life.

You often hear about your biological clock or that you only live once; reality is that you only lived this moment once.
saved 1523d
👉 A hot topic. Risk/reward is a balance that needs to be measured according to the individual life situation one is in. I also have a doctor in my family, so always learning. It is important to make decisions that are anchored & these are hard choices.
saved 1523d
Twetch.app + Streamanity.com is the removal of speech control utilising Bitcoin technology.