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saved 1569d
saved 1569d
saved 1569d
It will allow the professional feature of the user to have their video up on BSV when it has kickstarted 10 BSV in funding. Will not be the mainstream model in my opinion, but it will allow us hardcore users to put really important video up there.
saved 1569d
saved 1569d
Some RAW truth there.

I think I maybe wanted to focus on the TikToks of the world and it’s issues. Sure there are a lot of products that are good, such as Duolingo. All based on the gaming & fun aspect to learn the consumer (hence giving a service).
saved 1569d
saved 1569d
Yup, @255 got it.

Logged in with RelayX wallet on Twetch, Dimely & Streamanity now. Stable on desktop as on phone, hardly issues.
saved 1569d
There is no such thing as being locally public anymore.

You can create local barriers of entry, but knowledge to break these barriers remotely (outside the intended area or target) is starting to go away for easy access to information or knowledge.
saved 1569d
Now there's a market model (coaching) that tries to pick up all the unsuccessful (previous) customers from Tony Robbins, Gary Vee, Grant Cardone etc.

This means the pool of unsuccessful people is huge after all these seminars/products has been "consumed".
saved 1569d
This was normal way of living (still is) for Norwegians. Most doesn't care about others wealth by trying to many shady things as networking with materialistic intentions etc.

The fact that 99% is public knowledge should in theory be dangerous, it's not!
saved 1569d
I once lived a few feet away from a $ billionaire, normal house with no fence, no gate & no security.

I didn't know (or care) I did before years later. However as everything is public knowledge in Norway, I could have figured it out in minutes online.
saved 1569d
Bitcoin changed my life, not materialistic, but gave dreams of hope to build a better world with tools never seen or imagined before it.

Discovering it back in 2011/2012 was walking into a long journey with 0 other people around me knowing what it was.
saved 1569d
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saved 1569d
Who would have thought that the possible SN would turn in his/her peaceful life to take the uncharted territory of Bitcoin to the legal courts of the 🌎?

It is a move so bold that you can’t be any other than SN to execute this. Do you now fear your past?
saved 1569d
saved 1569d
It must have been difficult to be born in 1900, live through world wars & seen so much pain as we humans moved towards a more connected world.

Then they leave with their wisdom while seeing a potential that our digital 2K humanity might not do any better.
saved 1569d
Thank you, I will add that one to my reading list I am working on getting through.
saved 1570d
Why is being entertained so important for people around the world?

Did we misstep somewhere along the line?

Are we on the right track?
saved 1570d
We live like we are invincible, or we did?
saved 1570d
The state can’t blame anyone for their lack of legal enforcement if they’ve taken the mantle to lead the nation into the future through the collective built law & order.

They are responsible for all actions they do & we the people must exercise our duty.
saved 1570d
saved 1571d
saved 1571d
I respect you & think you’re a very smart human being, but I have to disagree.

Once you’re saved, you’re always saved. It is not about the flesh, but about repentance & understanding the world you’re born in, most of us are given some years to find God.
saved 1571d
Bitcoin will not be erased by anarchists.