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saved 1596d
So #brightgang newcomers, follow me and I’ll tell you great thoughts that will provoke and inspire you to build on Bitcoin.
saved 1596d
Thank you, great to have all onchain.
saved 1596d
Can anyone link the document to verify this?
saved 1596d
saved 1596d
With everything he has to share of knowledge, he’ll need it. https://twetch.app/t/a909d894c600e900522cad6b3c8cff67e2855316d009f42093baaf85e43ce33c
saved 1596d
BitCoin is growing up. It’s moving now with a speed in development, services & products I no longer as an individual can keep track of. This is a pivotal moment for me as I see this as the next milestone reached to get BitCoin to everyone. #BSV
saved 1597d
Dimely.io is like a domino to BSV. In the beginning there was great competition, but now we are seeing synergies naturally occurring within BSV. Fire is back in BSV 🔥
saved 1597d
saved 1597d
Funding features works, but regular old capitalism tries to answer the customer needs (not even knowing it) with opportunity investments that has a good chance to recoup its cost and be profitable. Twetch.app/features Dimely.io/features Vote with your BSV.
saved 1597d
Competition is refinement of a needed product.
saved 1597d
Great artists steal... 😂 @4 @4 @4 ...
saved 1597d
saved 1597d
Keep thinking about it after this crisis as well and increase your chances of running your future businesses with profits.
saved 1597d
To understand business is to understand numbers. I've seen businesses that can go out of business (red numbers) just by having a $1 hourly wage hike on all employees. It's hard to communicate this to the employees themselves, for them it's just $1.
saved 1597d
TikTok is dangerous. Soft propaganda sneaks under peoples skin and many are not even aware what they just consumed. An opinion shaped through an algorithm, maybe an opinion you never even had a thought about yet, but subliminally you've now got an answer.
saved 1597d
Twetch.app should become the first mass social media where all algorithms are voluntary paid add-ons, no filter of feeds by default when creating a free account. A clean slate, the way it should be.
saved 1597d
BTC is valuable for those who never do any transactions onchain. They buy it on an exchange & sell it on an exchange, rinse & repeat. Then custodial lightning wallets came as a solution. Then they talk about don't trust, verify. You can't make this up.
saved 1597d
The intellect shared here on Twetch.app is amazing, knowledge for free. Truly free as free was intended. Why not join in and follow me while you're at it twetch.app/u/176
saved 1598d
You can hide yourself in plain sight or engage with your intellect. Share it, grow it & learn it.

You can be so much & some of you already are a lot. Learn from those who share their intellect, spirit & kindness. You’ve been given Bitcoin + law to verify.
saved 1598d
I’m having a Twetchfest utilizing my mind and sharing it with you to be available for as long as I live.
saved 1598d
Once you know what Bitcoin is, you’ll end up understanding it was a set protocol all along from the start. Protected initially by hash alone, driven by economics and ultimately valid by the longest chain who followed the protocol rules.

It is a wonder.
saved 1598d
I can wish Twetch was here ten or twenty years ago in my life, but it doesn’t matter, it is here now & the idea is driving the execution towards a much better future.

I thank SN for his dedication to give us his idea & execution of the Bitcoin protocol.
saved 1598d
Free state. Free money. Free data. Free yourself. Free someone. Free country. Free properties. Free competition. Free trade.

Have we all forgotten what free means?

It’s not free social media, free email, free chat app, etc.

It’s time to reclaim freedom.
saved 1598d
saved 1598d