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saved 1615d
10 days 10 hours 10 minutes 10 seconds.
saved 1615d
Even when the society opens back up in full, there is still an incomprehensible feeling among many (especially with kids and elders) that will tell them for months or even year(s) to be more careful than ever.

This behavior will build a whole new economy.
saved 1615d
You’re happy.
saved 1615d
Money is now.

It is an opportunity cost that many must take action upon in order to potentially make more of it & make it more valuable.

It is something BTC holders doesn’t get. It needs to be used to retain à value & build wealth with it for more value.
saved 1615d
saved 1615d
saved 1615d
saved 1616d
I believe you can put every transaction that happens on the top 100 crypto coins/tokens/ICO's right now on Bitcoin BSV and no hiccups whatsoever will occur. It will run perfectly plenty of room. #BSV #Cryptocurrency #Crypto

Why are you not on BSV yet?
saved 1616d
saved 1616d
Are you willing to make your family and friends richer or are you trying to beat them?

If you truly believe in what you do, why not tell them of your conviction?

Afraid they'll get the upper economic hand with their bigger shovel?

Why do you care?
saved 1616d
Bitcoin is more than a revolution to the existing monetary systems. It is the equaliser that will hold all FIAT accountable for their actions taken upon their citizens around the world.

Bitcoin is not anarchy, it is freedom by choice. Will you use it?
saved 1616d
I'm 36 and I've never bought a new car.

I've always paid them cash. Hope this small fun fact inspires you to do the same if you're young.

The best thing ever is to have a car and not needing to pay anything on it. Good cars also has low maintenance.
saved 1616d
saved 1616d
As long as Bitcoin exist, so will I.
saved 1616d
Get a Honor Band 5, same price as a finger meter (maybe inaccurate by 1% or so), but useful all the time.
saved 1616d
Everyone will say it was an obvious opportunity that you couldn’t pass if they knew about it when they look back five years in 2025.

It is never too late for anyone on Bitcoin. It is a perpetual game you can’t lose if you’re actually using it for trade.
saved 1616d
saved 1616d
If I am right, I want you to know it.

If I am wrong, I want you to be able to correct it.

So why are we building knowledge behind walls that can only be accessed by giving away our precious time to know what’s ahead?

I think Bitcoin changes this model.
saved 1616d
Capital controls are non existent with Bitcoin BSV.

Spur of growth in its use (or holding it) only needs a few big stupid nations to start enforcing capital controls in some way (your own grade of how it's defined).

Transparency/knowledge kills bad FIAT.
saved 1616d
/trolltoll set @7346 $7.77
saved 1616d
I find anyone in it (and knows what they're dealing) distasteful TBH.

Lots are naive & don't know what or how they're getting schemed, but so is life to the unfortunate. I just "wished" the information age would help, but we need Bitcoin trails/honesty.
saved 1616d
saved 1616d
Woohoo 1st of May. Finally a free day! 😅
saved 1616d
saved 1616d
If I ever sell a multi level marketing product that borderlines with a pyramid scheme of any kind, ban me @4 from Bitcoin! I hold you accountable to fulfil this oath.

Note to anyone selling MLM or any kind of it; just don't even try talking to me.