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saved 1150d
If someone says something mean about you/to you, doesn't mean you have to answer to it. Ppl can say whatever they'd like. You, in turn, can *not* say whatever back to them.

Sometimes, as is often true in plays, the silent person is the one w/the power.
saved 1163d
Working hard waiting tables now so that I NEVER have to wait tables again when the time comes.
saved 1166d
The Earth is full of heartache.
But also wonder, and a stirring, quiet beauty. If we open our eyes to see and our ears to hear, there's magic everywhere.
"Heron at dusk"
By me :)
saved 1220d
Any morning I get to open the windows and witness birds chirping in a patchwork of sunshine is a good morning.

When you deliberately put yourself #inthewayofBeauty it can jumpstart your heart.
saved 1228d
It took me til age 30 to figure out how to shape my eyebrows so they don't look like forests. But now these babies are "on fleek," as the cool kids say. Cool kids still say that right? Doesn't matter. I'm Wonder Woman. I'm always cool. #actorslife
saved 1238d
Don't wait for other people to notice you for you. Do the work instead. When it's done, ship it, share it, put it out there, and start again. People are drawn to others not because they could get the job done, but because they already do.
saved 1239d
I feel particularly happy to be on Twetch today. As a creator, I love that other Twetchers have a convenient and cost-effective way to support my work, just by liking & branching it! It not only makes art accessible to everyone, but also patronage. 👏👊
saved 1242d
First painting of the new year.
Beauty is everywhere if we go looking for it.
saved 1245d
That whole "drop a pebble in a pond, create a ripple in the lake" idea is true. Cliche, sure, but true. So be courageous and put your work out there. Ship it, again and again. Pebble after pebble after pebble until people can't ignore the waves.
saved 1247d
There is no moral high ground in letting yourself be steamrolled. Stick up for yourself, for your convictions & your creations. Then, when you do bend, it will be by choice, to whatever proves true, right, beautiful and good.
saved 1249d
Nothing is wasted in the hands of an artist. Not pain, not sadness, not even unassuaged longing. It all becomes paint - or words - in the work.
saved 1251d
This makes me an ActCapKapp
saved 1251d
Ha! I'll take that. Deal :^)
saved 1252d
I got back to my novel today, wrote a page.

Baby steps baby - they're still steps.
saved 1252d
Thanks Isaac! You rock!
saved 1253d
We all want to be called up & hired by our fav visionaries because of our magnificent talents. But when the phone isn't ringing, what then? What do we do w/the hurt & heartache of NOT being chosen?

Become the chooser. Make the phone ring for someone else.
saved 1257d
As a synesthete, I see numbers in color. Today I see the same cheesy, sappy gold you get in a basic box of crayons fill up the curlicue number 6 in 6th anniversary. Through all the twists & turns our harvest is still Joy. We are very rich indeed.
saved 1260d
Both death and life are in the power of the tongue. Speak truth.
saved 1260d
Even the greatest characters in every make & manner of story are but opaque generics to us until we've experienced the details of the stories themselves. It takes time. And patience. But specificity is the mother of humanity. No man is a monolith once met.
saved 1261d
Thank you! I do recall hearing a thing or two about the benefits of deep sleep... ;^)
saved 1261d
So many things seem possible when the sun is shining! Take a moment to go outside. Walk. Breathe. Put yourself #inthewayofBeauty and let the sun greet your face with a kiss. Hope, like light, is everywhere if we train our eyes to see.