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saved 158d
We should talk. DM me.
saved 992d
That looks sweet!

Well done.
saved 1024d
For sure! I get ideas that way as well, just working through it. Hacking, tinkering. That goes for just about every "business as usual" problem I work on.

I just find my clearest solutions come when I'm not focused on anything at all.
saved 1024d
Steer the course! :)
saved 1027d
There are certain times when ideas seep into my consciousness.

Being aware of the conditions needed, it is surprising how often I can set myself up to receive ideas.

For me it's when showering immediately on starting to wake, or as I'm making coffee.
saved 1027d
For those that want it, it will.
saved 1030d
"Children Of The Grave" live on "The End".

For some reason I thought the video title showed up in the Twetch. My bad.
saved 1030d
What's a song that you can't play loud enough on a Friday?

I'll start.

saved 1030d
An interesting point about the data there only the mRNA jabs are counted. It doesn't count anyone that takes a preventative Ivermectin protocol, for example.
saved 1034d
little freedoms like having a job.... There is so much wrong with this.

Many people I've spoken to recently have said they will never again vote for any party supporting these actions. Other options are appearing and gaining support.
saved 1038d
It's really cute how fast videos go missing from YT now.
saved 1052d
Haha I just realised your username.

I wasn't referring to you being a "sock puppet" :)
saved 1052d
For a long time it was difficult for me to accept that because I wanted to believe we have a healthy democracy here.

The reality is very different from what I wish it was.

Actions make it clear that the media here is just a gov propaganda sock puppet.
saved 1053d
Kids, this is not how to build a bias free poll question.

Ignore the fact that this question is available via one of Australia's largest news websites.
saved 1054d
Welcome to a friend of mine, @58062 .
saved 1054d
I think you're right. It's bliss. No more responsibility, like a farm animal.

It's all good!
saved 1054d
I hope you are right but I doubt we're near the end of this yet.

I suspect the capacity for denial of the obvious is way beyond what many suspect.

People that check the official data and find the lies are the ones being called stupid.
saved 1054d
I hope you are right but I doubt we're near the end of this yet.

I suspect the capacity for denial of the obvious is way beyond what many suspect.

People that check the official data and find lies are the ones being called stupid.
saved 1054d
I hope you are right but I doubt we're near the end of this yet.

I suspect the capacity for denial of the obvious is way beyond what many suspect.

People that check the official data and find lies are the ones being called stupid.
saved 1055d
If you look very carefully through the bias in these voting options you can see the bullshit.

Can you see it?
saved 1055d
More TX's. More!!! :)
saved 1055d

I can't see how it wouldn't be a good thing.

The fee reward would be impressive and as the block reward decreases over time, it's the way.
saved 1056d
They have just mandated masks in high schools here in Queensland.

My daughter will not be physically attending school under those conditions.
saved 1057d
2 x 1GB blocks in 24 hours.

Not to mention about a dozen blocks over 100MB.

The verdict is in, BSV scales. Anyone saying otherwise is either ignorant of that data or knowingly lying.
saved 1058d
And I'm done with Twitter.

I've stayed away from it for a "trial period". Honestly, life is better without it.
