Joined Jun 04, 2018

Get Rich. Get Fit. Get Smarter. Learn what the schools won't teach you.

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You gain muscle in the gym, you lose weight in the kitchen.

It's very hard to outwork a shit diet. It's much easier to just eat right.
Why You Should Start An Online Business

High Scale
Low Cost
Mix some turmeric in your milk and drink it before you sleep.

Anti-inflammatory and great for recovery from any kind of physical strain.
"There are only two ways of telling the complete truth - anonymously and posthumously."

- Thomas Sowell
You're living someone's dream life.

There are likely many people in the world who would give away everything they have just to live the life you live.

Think about that for a minute.
When I was fat, I had to search for clothes that looked good.

Now that I am muscular, pretty much everything I wear looks great.

Life is simpler when you have your body under control.
You: Looks don't matter.

Also you (women): Wears makeup.
Also you (men): Stares at pretty women.
The better your life gets, the less relevant other people become.
The worse your life is, the more you care about what everyone thinks.

If you have things going on, other people quickly fade to the background.
You lose when you stop trying to achieve something meaningful

If you wanted to start a business, and got yourself a temporary job to float the boat, but got used to the paycheck & never took the next steps - you lose
How to be Good Looking as a Man

The easiest way to improve your quality of life is to improve your looks.
You're better off trying to impress your accountant than trying to impress your neighbors.
If you were to live your life all over again, what would you do differently?

Also, why don't you start doing it differently from today?
Just start. You'll figure it out.
Never be too shy to promote yourself.

If you don't believe in yourself, who will?
"If you think tough men are dangerous, wait until you see what weak men are capable of"

“The world will ask you who you are, and if you don’t know, the world will tell you.”

- Carl Jung
The people who can insult you are the people who's opinions you hold valuable.
If your intuition tells you something is wrong, something probably is.

ESPECIALLY when it comes to people.

If your gut doesn't trust someone, you shouldn't either.
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A man's confidence is directly proportional to the number of things he's done that he thought were impossible.

If you never try doing the impossible, you'll never have *real* confidence.
You: There are no trees here!
Life: Plant trees.
You: No! They'll take 20 years to grow! That's too long.

20 years later:

You: There are no trees here!

Extend this metaphor to whatever suits you.
"How do I find the motivation to ...?"

You don't.

You learn to do it regardless.
The #1 cause of having no self-respect is having no self-control.

We respect ourselves for the same reasons we respect others.
"You're a literal Nazi"

Wrong answer: Hear me out. It makes sense that ... (Explaination)

Right answer: How dare you call me a Nazi you filthy degenerate bitch?!!

Don't hate the game. Play the game.
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Get Rich. Get Fit. Get Smarter. Learn what the schools won't teach you.
No one will enforce discipline on you.

You are not a child.

You have to do it yourself.

If you don't, then you're no better than a child.