That's right no or low taxes so you live in crime ridden Banana Republic like Honduras. Loonytarians don't get it, LOL
Sure pay taxes to buy up armies that invade other countries that kill innocent children because you gave them money to buy bombs. Lets change our system to a voluntary based revenue
The peer-to-peer electronic cash system invented by Satoshi Nakamoto lives on as BCH. BTC is an experimental currency that does not have a white paper and has only operated under its current model for two years.
Bitcoin Cash is following the original Bitcoin roadmap while BTC forked off in a strange direction with segwit, LN, fee market, small blocks, rbf, soft forks, and so on. Bitcoin is BCH.
@Memo are you guys interested in having a separate arm to function more like Instagram? Memo currently feels more like reddit. It can’t be optimally functioning like both. Let me know if this is possible
Memo's protocol is meant to handle all social networking features. Right now we only have basic image/video support, but in the future we'd like to add more rich media features.
I meant like a separate app/site to function like Pinterest/Instagram ?
Memo's goal is to be like email where you only need one service provider and can interact with all other service providers. As of now our plan is to have a single app.
Memo update released: - Ability to follow topics and indicator for unread topic messages - Links to replies now go to full thread instead of just parent - Topic posts in feed now have a button to go to topic