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saved 1381d
Michael Saylor just totally cucking the BTC maxis. But they're making money on it, so they will likely find a way to spin it.
saved 1381d
Highest price BSV will reach in 2021?
saved 1383d
I like the option to have both.
saved 1383d
Remember when CWS said adding privacy, eliminating ability to do chain analysis, and doing mixers was crucial to bitcoin and he was about to release it?
saved 1384d
Masks are insidious.
saved 1384d
Points out how money is wholly controlled and created by government and all the spiraling effects.

Concludes we can have abundance and quality life by having government create "free" money in a slightly different way

saved 1385d
Americans are incredibly, ridiculously generous.

The charitable giving, donations, and helping people in need are off the charts. Even among low income earners.

Europeans say Americans work too much but never mention how generous they are.
saved 1387d
I don't know who needs to hear this, but China is not a person. Neither is Science.
saved 1387d
saved 1389d
Overheard my 15yo son explaining how privately provided police and courts and defense would work better than government monopoly to his 20yo cousin.

Hopefully, this makes up for all the ways I've screwed up as a father.
saved 1389d
Helping other people make money is a blast.

(Especially when they send you a bottle of thank you whiskey later)
saved 1390d
Seeing contact tracing be normalized. Not good.
saved 1390d
Did you know the US government detonated nuclear warheads in the upper atmosphere to blow a hole in the ionosphere?

Plus nukes underwater, on many islands, and parts of the SW US.

Many wanted to nuke the moon as well.

Nobody knew this for decades.
saved 1390d
If it became widely reported that aliens from other planets were visiting, talking with world leaders, and there were pics and vids, how hard would it be to prove or disprove it?
saved 1390d
saved 1390d
Playing around with spreadsheets has been one of the most valuable activities in my life for the last 20+ years.
saved 1391d
What % of crypto twitter and reddit is Greg Maxwell accounts?
saved 1391d
The Moisty Pack has arrived, courtesy the green man @4
saved 1392d
People who build parking lots have enabled more drug deals. Car makers have enabled millions of crimes. The inventor of bitcoin has enabled many.

None of them should be in prison. That's just stupid.
saved 1392d
Not even close. He was never even charged with that.

Judge literally sentenced him for charges that were not brought and explicitly said she was sending him to prison because of his libertarian beliefs.

Evil and egregious to anyone that bothers to look.
saved 1392d
The imprisonment of Ross Ulbricht is a crime.
saved 1393d
Number of global deaths per year:
2015: 55.82 million
2016: 56.33 million
2017: 56.94 million
2018: 57.63 million
2019: 58.39 million
2020: 59.23 million (projected. 54M YTD)
saved 1394d
What's your golden age for action movies?

Late 90's early 00's were pretty great.
saved 1394d
"I fear neither death nor pain"

"What do you fear?"

"A cage"
saved 1394d
Say something went bonkers and we're living in an alternate timeline where everything is messed up.

When did it happen?

(I maintain it was February 3, 2008 when the Giants beat the Patriots and ruined the best season in sports history)