
Joined Apr 16, 2018

Everything's nothing and nothing is ours.

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replied 1814d
no fiat <-> crypto gateway can operate without AML/KYC for long.
Great initiative! Let's support our favorite development teams and projects (not necessarily only those on that page, but it's a good start) #dailymemo
replied 1814d
She's just a paid promoter.
1814d · 2-legged cancer
The Chinese "Four pests campaign" should be adequate for a 1st post, it shows the inherent human values: overconfidence, greed, ignorance:
followed topic 2-legged cancer 1814d
1814d · 2-legged cancer
All about humanity...
replied 1814d
it's not neutrality, but blatant popularism.
replied 1814d
"don't compromise for popularity."

That boat sailed away a long time ago. ^_^
replied 1814d
It was just an observation, not a complaint. Twitter is a cesspool. I *was* only active on it to fight the disinformation campaigns.
From now on I will not support Naomi Brockwell.

She's been repeatedly promoting the very people & businesses who hijacked, derailed and ultimately ruined BTC.

#Bitcoin #Blockstream
1814d · Bitcoin SV
Bitcoin Shit Vision - every comment made by pro-SV people here has 1 goal: making you buy this scamcoin.
replied 1814d
lol. when everything moves together, it means that crypto is still just a pathetic playground of fiat greedy speculators where fundamentals do not matter.
replied 1814d
purse was being attacked by Coretards using this narrative since their launch.
replied 1814d
"couple hours of giggles and munchies n chill aren’t worth it"

Those are the lamest reasons to use weed for.
replied 1814d
Georg Engelmann
dude is currently taking a break from crypto due to the quadriga scam.
replied 1814d
WTF naomi? Do you not have any integrity or moral standards?
replied 1814d
As for Twitter they are being manipulated or influenced by the Globalist State.
replied 1814d
Translation: more bullshit vaporware.