Sha Ali Liton

Joined Sep 10, 2019

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saved 1696d
I have a friend who has an online store. She wants to accept Bsv as payment. I am not a coder and neither is she. Can anyone help?
saved 1696d
Nasdaq has added a new index that aims to offer the markets information on blockchain projects working in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space, Called Defix. Defix lists projects including MakerDao, Augur, Gnosis, Numerai, 0x and Amoveo. #DeFi
saved 1696d
Nasdaq has added a new index that aims to offer the markets information on blockchain projects working in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space, Called Defix. Defix lists projects including MakerDao, Augur, Gnosis, Numerai, 0x and Amoveo. #DeFi
saved 1696d
Nasdaq has added a new index that aims to offer the markets information on blockchain projects working in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space, Called Defix. Defix lists projects including MakerDao, Augur, Gnosis, Numerai, 0x and Amoveo. #DeFi
saved 1696d
Nasdaq has added a new index that aims to offer the markets information on blockchain projects working in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space, Called Defix. Defix lists projects including MakerDao, Augur, Gnosis, Numerai, 0x and Amoveo. #DeFi
saved 1696d
Nasdaq has added a new index that aims to offer the markets information on blockchain projects working in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space, Called Defix. Defix lists projects including MakerDao, Augur, Gnosis, Numerai, 0x and Amoveo. #DeFi
set name to Sha Ali Liton 1696d