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saved 142d

Craig Wright and Calvin Ayre return from their creative break with a brand new vision:

"Queer to queer electronic credit"

"If you are one of the many millions who doesn't want to take cash to the trans-brothel or gay bar, q2q electronic credit is for you. And the best part: it is fully programmable by the UN and you will never again have to worry about your carbon footprint and your BMI. Government health experts make sure you buy nothing that hurts your health or the climate. The first 666 users get a tube of lube for free!"
saved 142d
I don't know.
saved 142d
Blockstream took down BTC, CSW took down BSV, the feds took down Roger.

And yes, it's all because CBDCs are incoming.
saved 142d
saved 143d
Unfortunately, while this is satire, it is based on reality:

saved 143d

Victorinox about to release first Swiss Army Knife without a knife. Knife

"As the world becomes rapidly more infantile, feminine and gay, blades are increasingly considered toxic and dangerous phallic symbols. Simultanously, governments all over the West and Asia are increasingly taking the role of a mother who doesn't want her children, the citizens, to play with dangerous edged tools. On top of these hot trends, we are also responding to a change in diet that makes knives largely superfluous: Bug porridge, for example doesn't require a knife at all, just a spoon."
saved 143d
Twetchistanians are understandably suspicious of "pay me first, maybe get something later"

Of course this scam wasn't invented by Twetch… the government came up with pay and pray millenia ago.

Pay first, then pray you get something in return for a reasonable price.
saved 143d
The use of horns on human heads is becoming commonplace. Music, movies, wherever you look there are horns.

The first association in a Christian civilization, of course, is with the devil. But why is the devil horned in the first place? What does that symbol stand for?

Well, It couldn't be much more obvious: horns belong to animals. A human (or entity) with horns is a human that has fallen to the level of beasts. It is guided exclusively by fear, ego, survival instinct.

The religious implications are clear, but there are also connections to the late stage of a civilization, which is nothing else but the unravelling of the unifying idea that elevated people above mere animal existence - and the consequent return to the level of animals.
saved 143d
Cool, than you can identify as a black lesbian, demand reparations and say nigger all day long ;)

But if you ever dare take a look at reality, I suggest you look at pictures of Sub-Saharan Africans, Asians, Caucasians and native Americans.

If you focus for a while maybe you can spot the differences that are extremely obvious to everyone who hasn't been convinced that the Party is right - in spite of our lying eyes.
saved 143d

EU press release says "reports of Ursula von der Leyen's involvement in black masses, blood sacrifices and witch-orgies are inappropriately exaggerated."

"Von der Leyen's private activities have been reviewed by the EU commission and found largely harmless and benevolent."
saved 143d
The inner animal must be heard, but it mustn't be allowed to bark all day without being scolded.
saved 143d
Communication with the inner animal is a difficult challenge.

On one hand you have to listen to what the animal says, observe it, just to be aware of where all that bs is coming from. On the other hand, if you become too much of a listener, you'll end up believing that it is your voice you are hearing.

You cannot give its voice too much room. Your voice must always counter the animal's ego-narrative of victimhood and being special.

It's a delicate balance between listening and interrupting, calming down, and scolding, quite similar to the communication with a pet or livestock.
saved 143d
Sounds like white supremacy.
saved 143d
If you believe that someone else should have a say in what happens to your body, your property and what you can or can't say or own, we got nothing to talk about.

Go get me the manager, handler, owner or whatever you prefer to call that person.
saved 143d
Online it is harder than in real life to spot a shizo, but there is a dead giveaway that never fails, even when they aren't having an episode and could easily pass for a somewhat sane person:

It's a certain manic way of communicating, impatient, fast to anger, an urgency to get everyone on board with whatever thought possesses them at the moment.

Once you know it it's very easy to spot.
saved 144d
I just want to write on the blockchain.

If I was looking for fans, followers or a community, I'd start an OnlyFans.

If you can't appreciate the sweet silence of the blockchain, far away from the raving herd, you better get lost, your gay Twitter personality is cramping my style.
saved 144d
Preach, brother.

We are a species that has a lot of growing up to do. Our collective mommy and daddy issues are deeply embarrassing.
saved 144d
Craig, the destroyer of uncrippled Bitcoin monasteries and orchards in walled villages.
saved 144d
The iron law of gender relations:

When men become pussies,
Women become dicks.
saved 144d
It's hilarious how easily feminist/collectivist propaganda can be dismantled:

"Would you rather be in the woods with a black bear or a black man?"
saved 144d

Craig Wright's lawyers file lawsuit against Twetch users for "spamming my chain with filth and hate-speech".

Law experts say this is yet another instance of "frivolous litigation" that will "backfire spectacularly".

"He is obviously desperate now and grasping for straws, after having been relentlessly exposed in court. His next step will probably be to plead insanity and make his wife his legal guardian."

One London based lawfirm offers to file a class action lawsuit against Dr. Wright pro bono "because these poor bastards have nothing left after that despicable fraudster lured them into his long-con. We want to see him brought to justice, not take the last short off the backs of his victims."
saved 144d

Craig Wright's lawyers file lawsuit against Twetch users for "spamming my chain with filth and hate-speech".

Law experts say this is yet another instance of "frivolous litigation" that will "backfire spectacularly". He is obviously desperate now and grasping for straws, after having been relentlessly exposed in court. His next step will probably be plead insanity and make his wife his legal guardian."

One London based lawfirm offers to file a class action lawsuit against Dr. Wright pro bono "because these poor bastards have nothing left after that despicable fraudster lured them into his long-con. We want to see him brought to justice, not take the last short off the backs of his victims."
saved 144d
If you build a house, build it with the one day in a thousand in mind when you need it to stand strong against storm, high water and fire, not with the other 999 days when everything is fine.

This is true for house-building and for soul-building.
saved 144d

"Queers for Palestine swiped right on Hamas, but Hamas swiped left on Queers for Palestine and reported them for 'unnatural tendencies'" massive online dating data leak dubbed "Grindr Files" reveals.
saved 145d

WHO study shows that "people who put their penis in a vagina are 6 times more likely to be far-right extremists and white supremacists"

"We're not saying that if you aren't queer you are necessarily a nazi, but if you are straight you should at least exclusively practice anal sex to avoid being associated with fascists, white nationalists and climate change deniers. We even made a little slogan that's easy to remember and teach to your children: 'Don't put it in the front-hole, that's called nazi-dip, put it in the brown saloon to be brave and hip!'