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saved 170d
Sometimes we would understand if we just stopped being convinced that we can't understand, but most of the time we don't understand because we are convinced that we understand.
saved 171d
Strange bedfellows tend to turn against each other, eventually.

When the commies and political Islam finally turn against each other it will be a sight to behold.

Chances are one of them won't even know what hit them.
saved 171d
In every collectivist system, be it fascism or communism or "liberal democracy" the ruling class and it's minions of intellectuals and middle class useful idiots deeply hate the working class.

They hate them because they fear them.

They fear them because deep down they know they are plundering them and in their nightmares they come with pitchforks to hold them accountable.

And that's why they always want to disarm them. They want control, not order, and control relies on concentrating all weapons in the hands of central authority.
saved 171d
You don't see 007 with a revolver very often… especially an unloaded one.
saved 171d
Right. All that China business was pretty dodgy.

The anonymity question remains difficult, though. In times like ours the wish for anonymous coins makes a lot of sense. After all, there is literally a communist party in control of the world that wants to bring all resources under central control.

Bitcoin and an increasingly totalitarian control apparatus don't go well together. Complete traceability is great when you have order. It's terrible when the system is based on control.

The downside of anonymous coins is that blackmail and extortion become incredibly safe and easy. The same goes for human trafficking.

But when the archetype has run its course and the Party has run everything into the ground, Bitcoin as it was originally intended may have a chance and be a tool that increases order and freedom.
saved 171d
I hear he's got the keys to the Wright Flyer, the world's first airplane.
saved 171d
It's a shame big blockers are divided like that.

Can't even remember what the fork was about. But if I had to guess, I'd say Craig was probably being a pompous hard-ass.
saved 171d
I doubt Roger will ever have anything to do with BSV, thanks to our neurodivergent lord and failed savior.
saved 171d
I watch them regularly.

It's amazing to see Brazil, for example, in the 60s.

Strange how "progress" seems to turn everything into a real-life dystopia.

Makes you wonder what we are progressing towards.
saved 171d

Boeing announces Craig Wright will be their next CTO "as part of our commitment to neorodiversity and inclusion. We believe Dr. Wright may be just the man we need to completely redefine flying based on his new theory of aeronautics. Simultaneously, he will completely and single-handedly reshape our former reputation as a serious company."
saved 171d

Boeing doubles down on "commitment to neurodiversity and inclusion"

So far we have employed people with ADHD, autism, dyslexia, aspergers and anorexia, but our success has emboldened us to take it a step further and reach out to schizophrenics, manic -depressives and the borderline personality community. We need people who can think outside the box and make flying an entirely new experience that scares away enough people to reach net zero."
saved 172d

California bill allows punishment of random innocent people "to stop crime"

"It works with guns, so why not use it for crime in general? Just because you didn't do anything wrong doesn't mean you shouldn't be punished for what others did. It's common sense. Someone else shot up a school, you have to give up your guns. Someone else looted a store, you have to pay for it and do time. And for those who think this could negatively impact protected and vulnerable groups, let me just say this: don't worry. The bill is aimed exclusively at punishing innocent white people, in an effort to create a more inclusive, diverse and equitable society."
saved 172d
We shake our heads thinking about how little our ancestors knew, while they shake their heads wondering about how on earth we forgot everything of importance.
saved 172d
The collective Dunning-Kruger effect:

We THINK that we are the most knowledgeable humans in history precisely because we know so very little and our knowledge is so limited to a small spectrum of reality.

We know so much about a tiny part of things that we falsely assume we know a lot.

Coincidentally, this is a left-hemisphere characteristic.
saved 172d
That's deep and well said.

I assume you wrote that yourself, otherwise you'd certainly have put it in quotes and given credit to the author.
saved 172d
The boomers should be tremendously grateful that they won't live to see how wrong they were about the future.

They could neither stomach nor fathom what humans are willing and able to do when the hour is late.
saved 172d
The future is monkeys with matches and machetes who think they are gods, scamming and grifting, burning and looting.
saved 172d
Women turning into whores isn't the cause for the fall of civilization. Men turning into commie simps isn't the cause of the fall of civilization.

The fall of civilization, and the accompanying archetypes, are the cause for what's happening to women and men.

All of this is to be expected in the late stages of civilization, non of it is a surprise. And nothing will stop it. No daddy will bring back the good old times, no central planning mommy will create a diverse, inclusive, sustainable and equitable utopia. It will all just go downhill from here and both chaos and control will rise to unbearable levels - while order is nowhere to be found.

But you don't have to be a part of it.

The more awareness you develop, the less you are affected by collective developments. The more you overcome the herd inside of yourself, the better your chances of not being dragged into the abyss by unhinged, wild-eyed half-monkeys with matches and machetes.
saved 173d
It's not surprising that when feelings overpower reason and infantilization and feminization set in hard, people want new "religions" that liberate them from responsibility, tell them that they are special (gods, chosen ones, awake, enlightened etc) and allow their pride and base desires to run wild.

Ironically, thuis is happening right when humanity is descending back to the level of animals…

The future is beasts who think they are gods.
saved 173d
Lowercase God?

I'll unmute you when you stop being so incredibly gay.
saved 173d
Astrology? You gotta be kidding me lmao. That's gay af.

Age of fruitcakeius.

Dude, you better become a member of the SWPC… you talk like a fag and your shit's all gay and tarded.
saved 173d
Lmao, you aren't even a member of the SWPC, which makes you a false and gay prophet.

Go look at a fake eclipse somewhere, amateur.
saved 173d
To fulfill prophecy, I hereby inform you, on the day of the fake eclipse, that from now on there's a non-gay prophecy club on Twetch.


To become a member you pay 1BSV in the replies.

Anyone who isn't a member is a false and gay prophet who probably thought the eclipse today was real, lmao. Sheep. AMATEURS.

In order to not be duped like this again, join now, and stop being so gay. It's embarrassing.
saved 173d
After a long period of hesitation I have decided to get into the internet prophecy business:

I hereby warn you, heathens: there will be terrible earthquakes, storms, droughts, floods, war and economic/financial crisis.

Time frame? Next ten years.
Screenshot this, doubters and scoffers.
saved 173d

Internet prophets warn: "Next eclipse will bring total doom and partial apocalypse."

"This one was obviously fake, probably project blue beam, created to fool us. But the next eclipse will be terrible. My new video is packed with EXCLUSIVE information on how to survive it and what it all means. Like and subscribe."