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saved 174d
You can't argue with team-players.

They just put you on the other team and scream foul no matter what you are doing.
saved 174d
Sooooo has Craig come out of his time-out yet?

What's new? Any new lawsuits we should know about?

It seems inevitable that Craig and Cal start suing each other at some point…
saved 174d
We ARE the meme.
saved 174d
A lot of people either believe the official narrative presented by authority, or any alternative narrative as long as it contradicts the official one, even if presented by random crazy people.

The idea to use critical thinking and actually evaluate the factuality of a given narrative never even occurs to them.

Sad but true.
saved 174d

Police union asks people on Twitter to stop bombarding them with reports of missing flat-earthers:

"They are not missing, they just went silent. This happens around solar eclipses a lot. In fact, it's the only time they ever shut up. Just look at it as their holliday season. The sun goes dark and they, too, go dark and silent for a while. Eclipses are considered a taboo in their circles and they prefer not to discuss them much."
saved 174d

Craig Wright tells Judge Mellor in open letter to "change the ruling or I'll make the sun go dark."
saved 174d

Scientists discover secret meaning of April 8th solar eclipse:

"We compared data from all eclipses throughout history and put it in a historical, socio-economical, philosophical, mythological and religious context. After a while we noticed a strange pattern that gave us the key to deciphering the meaming of the upcoming eclipse. And I assure you, it ondeed has a very clear meaning and a message that literally says "Stop being so gay you fucking heathens."
saved 175d
You can be sure that the government is lying, but it's hard to decide whether it's to scare you into obedience, or to keep you calm and distracted when you should be scared.
saved 175d
The strange thing isn't that gold is rising, the strange thing is that after the outrageous money printing of the last decade you can buy an ounce of gold for under $20'000.
saved 175d
Friendly reminder that if the governments thought terrible cataclysmic events were coming (think 12000 year cycle) they would hide that knowledge from the people, raise taxes to fight "climate change" (which would also serve to explain the rise of storms, earthquakes, droughts etc, and shame the people into obedience), disarm the people, build underground bunkers for themselves and try to escape to the moon or Mars.

And you can't even really blame them, because most people would freak out and start burning, looting, raping and killing.

Sad but true.
saved 175d

Department of transportation (DOT) worried that recently collapsed Baltimore bridge "cannot be rebuilt"

"We simply don't have the ability to build a bridge like that. We lost the technology."
saved 175d
If you respected the 5/7/5 syllable form maybe, but not like this, you no-rules outlaw.
saved 175d
What used to be the realm of people looking for hidden information, was overrun by paranoid boomers, soccer-moms who spend too much time on Facebook, and kids who want to feel special.

Maybe conspiracy theory will never recover from this.
saved 175d
It's probably gonna take a decade before they learn to differentiate between alternative narratives that have a basis in reality and all the bullshit created by grifters, schizos and agencies.

If ever.
saved 175d
Conspiracy theory has always been under attack from two sides, the schizos and the agencies.

The schizos unwittingly and for obvious reasons, while the agencies very deliverately "muddied the waters" a long time ago.

But it took me until now to understand what happened to conspiracy theory in the last years and why it has reached new and amazing lows:

It's because of Covid-19.

The pandemic created a whole new generation of "conspiracy theorists", people who up to that point believed absolutely everything they were told by TPTB.

They fell out of the official narrative and into a new world that completely overwhelmed them. Used to believing everything they were told, they seamlessly went to believing everything they were told in this new exciting realm they had fallen into.

Without any critical thinking skills or even a concept of checking sources they immediately crowned themselves "the awoken ones" and started telling everyone that they...
saved 175d
saved 176d
Remember Reality
saved 176d
You know how in politics people sometimes run s candidate not to win but to take votes from another candidate?

This probably works for Bitcoin, too.
saved 176d
Imagine you are now finally realizing that BTC has been taking over and you are looking for the real Bitcoin.

You look around and you see BCH, Roger Ver and the libertarians who rightfully distrust the government (which was likely involved in the crippling of Bitcoin in the first place) and then there's Craig and Calvin still whining and appealing to mommy even after she's given them a good slap in the face and told them that they are on timeout.

This terrornode better be good and ready soon and adopted by big players, because otherwise the boomers will not only lose against the small blockers, but also against the big blockers.

But hey, maybe losing is what they want, right?
saved 176d
Roger Ver and the BCH crowd are making a great case for why and how BTC was taken over.

A case any freedom-minded person understands. And people are listening. Maybe late, but still.

Meanwhile, Craig and the boomer bozos are getting shafted by the courts they themselves brought into it.

That's where we're at.
saved 176d

UN commission fears that democracy could be a threat to democracy in this "super election year"

"With so many elections coming up this year around the world, we have to ask ourselves, how democratic is democracy really? What if people vote the wrong way? What does that mean for the female future and isn't voting for the wrong parties and candidates really a hate crime? Our shared future depends on asking questions like this. In a world full of hate democracy may just be dangerously undemocratic and the wise thing to do is to let experts make sure democracy isn't being hijacked by hate."
saved 176d
Mordor's rainbow flags
Screens pulling in gray faces
Grifting and larping
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saved 176d
The east is buying gold, especially China and Russia.

BRICS goldbacked currency was announced some time ago.

A lot of people may feel a strong urge to get out of the dollar.

Just read an article from Europe about it. They said rising goldprice was a "mystery" lmao
saved 176d
It's a form of FOMO, I suppose.