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saved 176d
People prefer the party to end when they want to go home over leaving the party when it is still going.

Similarly, when they are sick of it all, they'd prefer a cataclysm to end it all instead of dying alone while the world continues.
saved 176d
This is best expressed in the phrase commonly found on the internet

"just send the asteroid"
saved 176d

The fascination with cataclysms, end-time scenarios, apocalypse etc during the late phase of civilization doesn't appear because people are more afraid of such events than usually, but because they unconsciously hope for the end to come.

They just can't take it any longer.

And who could blame them? Imagine another century or two of constantly growing corruption, incompetence, idiocy, degeneration, perversion, war, crisis, tyranny…
saved 176d

The fascination with cataclysm, end-time scenarios, apocalypse etc during the late phase of civilization doesn't appear because people are more afraid of such events, but because they unconsciously hope for the end to come.

They just can't take it any longer.

And who could blame them? Imagine another decade or two of constantly growing corruption, incompetence, idiocy, degeneration, perversion, war, crisis, tyranny…
saved 176d
Even more interesting, you share this number exactly with the 666bridge-jew horned devil comet.



your account:

At this point you might as well just confess…
saved 176d

Your account number is literally 666
Explain that.
saved 176d
Well, it's called 12P/Pons-Brooks.

But 12 is 2 times 6 and p is the 16th letter of the alphabet, so there's that.

Pons comes from latin and means bridge. Mel Brooks is a jew. So what we get here is 666 Bridge-Jew.

The comet is obviously the bridge to the Jewish beast-system being ushered in. Whoever doubts that is a lizard.

Please donate to my wallet, you won't need money once the eclipse hits anyway.
saved 177d
So you took the result you wanted (666) and then found a way to get it out of a date?

You realize that with that method you can find anything anywhere, right?
saved 177d
Just one thing… how do you arrive at the 666?

I see either 4/6/8 or 18, which would be 9.
saved 177d
*immortal. Immoral is another difficult question…
saved 177d
… and a devil comet coming through! With horns and everything.

Apparently last time eclipses put an X on the US and a comet came through three weeks later Madrid faultline blew up.

Like and follow for lifesaving information.

Donations are welcome!
saved 177d
I can't say whether immoral or not, but I know that I am something besides body and mind. I prefer the beautiful old term soul, but there are many names for it.

What do you think you are?
saved 177d
It sounded great: the internet will give everyone a voice!

Thirty years later there's this never-ending, relentless all-encompassing whining and screaming of nitwits, who have never read a theoretical text in their lives, vomiting and menstruating their completely baseless opinion on everything out into the world with the most astounding entitlement and sense of being in possession of the absolute truth.
saved 177d
saved 177d
My favorite line is:

"Things are gonna slide, slide in all directions. Won't be nothing, nothing you can measure anymore. The blizzard, the blizzard of the world has crossed the threshold and has overturned the order of the soul."
saved 177d
Dystopian music? Difficult.

The lyrics of this one are as prophetic as they are dystopian:

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It was actually a joke, but whatever floats your leaking boat …
saved 177d
saved 177d
Remember Reality

(Ari Gato the survivor. Was shot in the leg, had metal rods outside and inside to keep it together. Had to stay in the house for a month. Three days before the metal would have been removed he learned how to open the window and went on one of his adventures. When everyone had given up on him he returned after 19 days, half of the metal torn out. Now he's finally restored.)
saved 177d
Already Gone

saved 177d
The music taste of BSVers should have alerted me early on to the fact that this ship was only gonna go down…

Ye, euro trash dance, linking park, nightmarish soundcapes of 80s dystopia…
saved 177d
Strings Attached
saved 177d
/pay @25 $50
saved 177d

Calvin Ayre returns from shamanic ayahuasca retreat, identifies as two-spirit now.

"I just want everyone to know that we are feeling great and that our deconstruction and transition has been a full success. We see much clearer now and forgive Craig for all the bs. We are two evolved spirits now, you can call one Vin and the other Cal. We are soon going to marry each other in Hawaii during the solar eclipse."
saved 178d
Sorry to hear that.
May he be with God.