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saved 178d
Sound business idea for someone uninhibited by morality.

There are a lot of BSVers looking for a new cult right now…

Granted, most are broke, but still.
saved 178d
According to a large number of internet prophets, the coming solar eclipse will bring terrible destruction.

That they have been wrong about all their previous predictions of doom doesn't bother them at all, after all you just need to keep doing it and one day you'll be right and then maybe you'll get laid. That's the essence of contemporary online prophecy.

Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.

- Jeremiah 10:2
saved 178d
saved 178d
saved 178d
If you read carefully, youll find that I didn't say they were right or wrong. I tend to stay out of earth-shaper conflicts just like I stay out of the wars between the dick-cutters. I don't care much.

What I did say, as most people would quite easily understand, was that they tend to be preachey, annoying and never shut tf up. And that that's the reason they are hated.

Most of them say in a myriad of words really just over and over this:

"If you don't agree with the idea on which I recently started basing my entire personality, you are an idiot or evil!"

Dude, you still got me trolltolled? I thought your owriod was over.

BTW, I choose that user for the trolltoll command because the word "gay" is in there ;)

/trolltoll remove @72476
saved 178d
If you want to know about people's past, anecdotes about their past is what you want.

If you want to know about their character, you are better off observing, true.
saved 178d
Learned this on Twetch ;)
saved 178d
If you want to make someone tell you about his life, just tell him he never suffered any pain.

He'll proceed to tell you everything you need to know. In detail.

The urge to show our scars is overwhelming.
saved 178d
saved 179d
The reason people hate flat-earthers isn't that they think the earth is flat, it's that they are like vegans:

They never stop ranting and whining about it and declare anyone as dumb or evil who doesn't agree with them.
saved 179d
Now that some European countries have laws that could put you in jail for "threatening or abusive behaviour which is intended to stir up hatred" all those commie accounts calling for the eradication of white people must be trembling from fear…

Or maybe whiteness isn't really a race. It's more like, I don't know, hatred! That's it. Whiteness IS hatred.

And hating hatred is love.
saved 179d
saved 179d
Don't worry about it.
saved 179d

After the devastating earthquake in Taiwan the Chinese Government and Hillary Clinton are planning a large scale operation "to help the people of Taiwan after this terrible catastrophe"

The press-release of the rather surprising joint operation between the CCP and the Clinton Foundation made clear that this is "neither a covert invasion by China, nor an attempt by the Clintons to harvest children."

Rumors that the planes were already loaded before the earthquake even hit were indignantly rejected by both parties. "This is not the time for brainless conspiracy theories. It was pure coincidence that the planes were ready for liftoff and what a lucky coincidence for the people of Taiwan!"
saved 179d

After the devastating earthquake in Taiwan the Chinese Government and Hillary Clinton are planning a large scale operation "to help the people of Taiwan after this terrible catastrophe"

The press-release of the rather surprising joint operation between the CCP and the Clinton Foundation made clear that this is "neither a covert invasion by China, nor an attempt by the Clintons to harvest children."
saved 179d
Could be that, but my favorite is much more peaceful: sitting still without moving for extended periods of time, possibly in stress positions.
saved 179d
That sounds terrible, sorry to hear that.

I am, however, talking about something very different.

I'm talking about spiritual practices that involve facing pain voluntarily (without hurting yourself).

While there are spiritual practices that do involve severely hurting yourself, I am no advocate of them and find them stupid and unnecessary.
saved 179d
Holding BSV doesn't count, by the way.

Sure, it's excruciatingly painful, but none of us volunteered for thus shit. On the contrary: we came for the profits, not for the pain.

Let's be honest.
saved 179d
In case *someone* is actually finally selling his diamond-hand hodled BTC, which I doubt, it would almost seem like he's been swapping for BCH first, and from there to BSV.

Not that BSV is pumping hard, but at least it's not at $5, which was a real possibility post Craig's COPA debacle.

But then again, there could be countless explanations for bch pumping first…
saved 179d
In your case it's probably a combination of both. I didn't even need to know that you never voluntarily faced pain to tell you that ;)

/trolltoll remove @72476
saved 179d
Europe is so fucked it's not even funny. Maybe they lost the war for freedom of speech a long time ago, but now things are turning real ugly real fast.

Every time I hear news from Europe it involves the most outrageous infringements on free speech.

In Germany the main candidate of the supposed right-wing opposition party (probably largely controlled by intelligence) AFD, is being prosecuted for saying the words - and I kid you not - "everything for"

The crowd then added "germany", which apparently turns it into the verboten phrase "alles für Deutschland" which the Nazis used.

This man is going to court for saying "everything for" you just can't make this up.
saved 179d
Show me the pain you've faced voluntarily and I tell you who you are.

(Hint: if you never faced any pain voluntarily you are most likely a pussy or a cunt, no offense)
saved 179d
Initiation is usually a form of Proof Of Pain.

Be it going through difficult challenges or being beaten up by a gang.
saved 179d
Proof Of Pain

Seeing someone doing something that is impossible without going through a long phase of voluntary suffering generates respect in people.

Not in everyone, obviously, some people hate everybody who has achieved something, but in every one else who has an idea how much pain must have gone into it.

Take skateboarding as an example:

When you see someone do a trick that you know can only be the result of years of pain, you feel deep respect for that person. Only a fool would say "that was just luck".

The same is true for spiritual practices.
saved 179d
We all have a lot to be thankful for, it's just hard to see sometimes. The mind gets in the way…

Happens to the best of us.

Anyway, I truly wish you the best.

/trolltoll remove @123