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saved 158d
I think Americans are completely delusional when it comes to their superiority of military power.

The US and EU stand no chance against BRICS when it comes to conventional warfare.

Why? Because they actually build working systems while the West just shoves over trillions to "defense" conglomerates who sell them expensive crap.

But then again, the "leaders" of the West may just want their populations to lose the next big war, in the name of equity and global communism.
saved 158d
I can see the moon in the sky during the day.

If the earth appears 4 times bigger and A LOT brighter, that would make for tremendous footage, wouldn't it?

I'd pan up after every single shot. And so would anyone else who's actually there.
saved 158d
Keep in mind that there's nobody here.

At scale a percentage of good content creators would make money.
saved 158d
"We" didn't take any pictures.

A bunch of apron-wearing brothers from a secret society did, allegedly.

Can you look at the liftoff from the moon and tell me with a straight face that you believe this is actual footage? Turn the sound off to make it even more obvious.
saved 158d
I found two different claims that the earth appears 13 times bigger from the moon than the moon on earth.

Could be wrong, I don't know.


Either way, you tell me: you are prancing around on the moon and you don't take amazing pictures and footage of your home planet that's right above you in the sky, WAY bigger than the moon, constantly changing colors, spinning etc etc?

Makes zero sense.
saved 158d

Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and General Dynamics urge Congress to give " A LOT more money and weapon systems to Ukraine, Israel and everyone else, for that matter."

"It's a matter of national security, so to speak."
saved 158d
He seems to be referring to this one:


It is where it should be.

AFAIK the earth appears 13 times bigger on the moon than the moon on earth.

Imagine running around on the moon taking pictures and videos and there's your massive home planet right above you all the time but you only manage to take this picture.

It's absurd.
saved 158d
The pay-pig revolution has begun.
saved 158d
Good point about the earth-rise pictures taken from orbiter.

The flag points home picture, on the other hand, raises more questions than it answers: the earth is WAY too small in it.

Seen from the moon the earth would appear much larger than the moon from earth.

They would have had a massive earth right above them all the time and all they got to show is a picture with a tiny earth you can hardly make out?

That's ridiculous.
saved 158d
All the landing sites of the supposed moon landings were on the side of the moon that ALWAYS faces the earth.

That means that the earth was ALWAYS in their field of vision when filming or taking pictures.

You'd think they would pan ul every damn shot and show it to you.

I think it also means that the shot of the earth on the moon horizon cannot possibly be real.
saved 158d
A large part of "knowledge is power" is not sharing your knowledge and technology with thise you rule.

We have no way of even knowing what kind of tech they have.
saved 158d
And just a reminder:

I didn't say they never went. I don't know. I'm saying that footage is fake and gay af.

If indees they went, I guess they didn't want the people to know about their secret tech financed by trillions of dollars that disappear quietly or go into black projects.
saved 158d
Hemp is an excellent clothing material.
saved 158d
The ego is involved just as much in believing the entire official narrative as it is involved in believing the entire alternative narrative. In the former it's about belonging to the rational, educated and powerful vs the nutcases. In the latter it's about feeling awake and ahead of everyone else.

Those who search for truth don't choose a team to beling to and then toot their horn on every topic.

If you can look at that footage and say to yourself "this looks real", find with me. I look at it and everything screams fake.

When it comes to Masons, they are indeed largely a boring club. But that'snot the whole truth. They are, after all, part of the mystery schools. Pagans who swear an oath on their lives. These are the people you want in operations that need a high level of secrecy. And if they are sexual deviants even better, kompromat is a hell of a control tool.


saved 159d
It's not what I don't understand about it, it's that I saw the video of the liftoff with my own eyes…

I assume you have no explanation for all those astronauts being freemasons and for the scientists being in secret societies and sex cults?
saved 159d
I think it's also possible that they went to the moon - and maybe go all the time - but we never got to see the real footage, for whatever reason.
saved 159d

When someone explains to me why Freemasonry runs so deep in NASA I might even consider that this is actual footage and that they somehow reached orbit and managed to rendezvous with the orbiter in that ridiculous thing.

Until then I'll have to go with this being yet another way to fleece and deceive the people. It sure was a good distraction from the JFK assassination.
saved 159d
Would be hilarious to be the one speaking and give a speech of Hitler and see how long it takes until they stop repeating.

A little like this:

saved 159d
Kafka was so far ahead of his time that only now we can begin to really understand his stories.

The Metamorphosis, for example, is about the now very real danger of turning into a bugman. A human being that has been reduced to its lowest nature and insect-like herd-instincts to such a degree, that it actually turns into a bug.
saved 159d
Kafka was so far ahead of his time that only now we can begin to really understand his stories.

The Metamorphosis, for example, is about the now very real danger of turning into a bugman. A human being that has been reduced to its lowest nature and insect-like herd-instincts that it actually turns into a bug.
saved 159d
One of the creepiest things in the last few years is that strange cultish-collectivist way of publicly speaking where one person (preferably a black woman) speaks and after every sentence the crowd repeats whatever she said.
saved 159d
Those who are left in BSV have proven their rare ability to survive tremendous pain, suffering, betrayal and ridicule.
saved 159d

"Not having any proof of satoshiness is proof of satoshiness" according to the latest blog post by Craig Sight:

"Remember how not having symptoms of Covid-19 was one of the symptoms of Covid-19? It's like that!"
saved 159d

"Not having any proof of satoshiness is proof of satoshiness" according to the latest blog post by Craig Sight:

"Remember how not havingvsymptoms of Covid-19 was a symptom of Covid-19? It's like that!"
saved 159d
Holding BSV is an invaluable lesson for anyone willing to learn and able to self-reflect.

We went through a hard school.