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saved 159d
Craig turned it into a clown show. That's why. Whether on purpose or by accident is hard to say.

I think it's time to separate Craig from BSV. All he did was leave a giant steaming turd right on top of it.

Dude is either nuts, was put in to sabotage big block bitcoin, or he's compromised.

None of these possibilities are good.
saved 159d
The amount of whining, blaming and complaining you manage to put out easily qualifies you for the title of honorary jew.

I bet you are circumcised too.
saved 159d
Existence is rad.
saved 159d
Just Pokerface.

"Watch pokerface not react to the latest video that has conservatives/commies freaking out."
saved 160d
I get the rationale, to an outsider it would seem that BSVers will fall for anything, that we are easy to scam.

You don't know what we've been through…

We ARE the scam.
saved 160d
Wow, is this the TRX my neighbors are talking about? One of them became millionaire in one week! TRX real deal! Very good reputation! Much gains!
saved 160d

Harvard study finds that "no evidence of man-made climate change is one of the symptoms of man-made climate change."

"It sounds strange at first, but the less evidence we find for humans causing climate change, the more certain we can be that it is indeed the case."
saved 160d
Welcome to law, statists.
saved 160d
In other words:

If you cannot differentiate between enemy and authority, you are screwed.
saved 160d
Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.

- Romans 13

When Christians unironically cite romans 13 to defend the government, all you gotta do is ask them to define authority. Is the mafia an authority? Is a mass-murdering tyrant a legitimate authority?

When was the last time any government was a legitimate authority? When does a government stop being an authority in the sense of romans 13? What if open Satanists run the government? Should your soul be governed by them?
saved 160d
If there's a crazy dude on the street handing out $100 bills, people are gonna take them.
saved 160d
To say that the left and Islam are strange bedfellows doesn't do justice to the situation.

They are in bed together, but one of them is a blond girl with a "refugees welcome" t-shirt and the other one is taking advantage of her childish naiveté while sending money to his wife and family back home.
saved 160d
Long term prediction:

The forces of materialism, atheism and collectivism (religiously speaking satanism) will overcome the remnants of religious community that are dumb enough to enter the war over the bridge of our heavily leaking ship (conservatives).

And then, when the commies have "won" and look around, they'll see an armada of warships with green flags on the horizon that will sink their already leaking boat so fast they won't even know what hit them.

The commies will destroy the conservatives and then they will be annihilated by Islam, their former bedfellow.
saved 160d
"Papa, I know you're going to be upset
'Cause I was always your little girl
But you should know by now
I'm not a baby
You always taught me right from wrong
I need your help, daddy, please be strong
I may be young at heart
But I know what I'm saying

The one you warned me all about
The one you said I could do without
We're in an awful mess
And I don't mean maybe, please

Papa, don't preach, I'm in trouble, deep
Papa, don't preach, I've been losing sleep
But I made up my mind, I'm
Keeping my baby (BTC), ooh
I'm gonna keep my baby, mm"
saved 160d

Craig Wright returns from post COPA timeout with a cover version of Madonna's Papa Don't Preach, dedicated to Calvin Ayre.
saved 161d
Ironically, white supremacy isn't on the mind of any of us tall, blonde, blue eyed Aryans, it is a fetish of small, dark, gay men like Adolf Hitler, Nick Fuentes and legions of 4chan and reddit incels.

Their masochistic gay fantasy is to be harshly ruled and raped by the blonde beast.

The funniest part is that they would be immediately castrated and banned from the gene pool in the world they fantasize about.
saved 161d
The only reason fascism isn't universally seen as feminine and gay is that communism is even more gay and we've been indoctrinated to see both as opposites and enemies when they are just flavors of collectivism cuddling on the feminine and gay side of the spectrum.
saved 161d
The fact that the "right" is largely collectivist (fascist, statist) says everything you need to know about how far the feminization has progressed.

The great mother has already devoured the political spectrum.

If the political right doesn't mean individualism, individual rights and freedom, it has no meaning whatsoever.

The reason this is so incredibly hard to accept for a lot of people is that they have been led to believe that "liberalism" is individualism, but in reality it is just thinly disguised collectivism.
saved 161d
Female spirituality (new age) is probably the worst thing a man can fall for.

It convinces him that he already is what he needs to be, when in reality he needs to become what he needs to be - and it's a long, narrow and thorny path.
saved 161d
Women are born with a treasure and just need to guard it against thieves and scoundrels in order to be considered good women.

Men have to go out, overcome the dragon, take the treasure and bring it back home, in order to be considered good men.

This fundamental difference explains why feminization is so terribly destructive to men: A man who acts like a woman is like a shopkeeper who pretends to have goods but his shelves are empty.
saved 161d
Every dude who thinks he's enlightened and full of love and talks all the tine about how all is one, explodes into an ego-fueled rage of hatred, eventually.

It seems to be an iron rule of feminine new age pseudo spirituality.

The reason for this could be that while true spirituality is about sacrifice, growing and work, fake and gay female spirituality (neo-paganism) is all about identifying as special. And the latter, unsurprisingly, doesn't tame your inner beast at all. On the contrary: it puts it in the saddle.
saved 162d
I'm hoping to dip it regularly.
saved 162d
A conqueror is just a misunderstood radical settler.
saved 162d
Gonna start a YouTube channel where I do non-reaction videos on all kinds of things.
saved 162d
The energy you put into trying to save a lost herd would be much better spent developing a pack.