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saved 162d
Apropos furries:

If Islam takes over Western civilization after its inevitable fall, it will rain cats and dogs
- from the rooftops.
saved 162d
Interesting thing to say.

What scriptures do you base this on?
saved 162d
Click the three points. Click mute.

Don't feel bad about it, I got you muted most of the time too.
saved 162d
In a way you have to hope that furries and trannies keep growing and don't go away anytime soon.

Because if they do go away, we won't go back to reality, we will take another step towards complete insanity.

And there's no telling now what that may even look like. Could be war, could be something that cannot even be imagined yet.
saved 162d
I'm surprised these people don't just own it and call themselves Babylonians.
saved 162d
The king and the fool are both clowns, one is a sad clown, the other a funny one.

Then they switch.

The clown with one laughing and one crying eye is a great symbol for power and it's divide and rule mechanics.
saved 162d
The king and the fool are both clowns, one is a sad clown, the other a funny one.

Then they switch.

The clown with one laughing and one crying eye is a great symbol for power.
saved 162d
As the empire drifts to the "left", where all empires go to die, the only comedy left is found on the "right".

Comedy was always the prerogative of the "opposition".

But there's more hidden in the dynamics of this dichotomy: The opposition is always made up of clowns.

Even worse: Both sides are clowns. The clown in power is the sad clown, the clown in the opposition is the funny clown who can speak some truth.
saved 163d
Maybe it would be easier to deal with the animal inside of us if it was a tiger. But it is a herd animal. We have to content not only with the inner animal, but also with the inner herd.
saved 163d
At this point, conservatism is nothing but mummiefication.
saved 163d
Conservatism today is hilariously reminiscent of the egyptian attempts to conserve mummies:

It is trying to conserve something that's already dead.
saved 163d
Furries and trannies are simultaneously a wonderful sign of late-stage leftist infantilization, feminization and hatred for reality - and of the complete hopelessness of the conservative enterprise.

There is no coming back from this.

Or to be more precise: even the pendulum swinging back would be yet another step towards the inevitable fate of a civilization on its death-bed.
saved 163d
Same here, looked at feminism for the first time exclusively through a sexual market-place lense.

I had done it before for commies in general, but never for feminists in particular.

It never ceases to amaze me how much of our behavior and ideology can be explained by our reproductive/sexual success or failure.

But it shouldn't come as a surprise, I suppose.
saved 164d
Those who prefer free stuff over free speech will end up having neither.
saved 164d
Men trying to abolish private property (communists*) and women trying to abolish beauty-standards (feminists) are both unconsciously attempting to achieve the exact same thing:

Escape the lowest level of the sexual market-place, the mechanics of which they perceive as oppressive.

*low class communists, not elite communists trying to obtain complete control of society.
saved 164d
Which brings us back to commies and incels.

Communism is essentially the male "body positivity movement".

"Women like men who can provide resources, this is oppressing us! Let's abolish private property!"
saved 164d
The (female) body positivity movement is the logical evolution of feminism, one might even say it's the most honest and pure form of feminism.

"Men should like us no matter what we look like!"

The male version would be a poverty positivity movement:

"Women should like us no matter how many resources we can provide!"
saved 164d
Of course some beautiful women are infected with feminism, too, and there's nothing strange about that.

They are just dumb enough to swallow the whole "men are oppressing us" narrative, which cleverly speaks to the ego, like every other form of Marxism and collectivism in general.

Nobody ever told them that there's a quiet part that nobody ever speaks out loud:

"Men are oppressing us by preferring beautiful women."
saved 164d
While turning big-block bitcoin into a clown-show.
saved 165d
Of course he's happy. He's hodling BTC with diamond hands.
saved 165d
Feminists don't hate men as much as they hate beautiful women. This is becoming very clear now.

Feminists feel oppressed because they are less priviledged than beautiful women.

Their hatred for men is secondary. They hate men because men like beautiful women.

Just like incel commies really hate men with resources and only hate women because they like such men.
saved 165d
Thank you!
saved 165d
Sounds like a threat…

Is he saying he's not done destroying big block bitcoin?
saved 165d
I've found over and over in my life that letting a new skill rest for a while doesn't throw me back, but makes me return better.

It's like the neural connections are being reinforced during the break.
saved 166d

Craig Wright vows to "retaliate against the attacks on (his) wealth and privacy by using ConfiscationTx to expropriate Judge Mellor and other key figures connected to the bloody court."