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saved 166d
@652 Any chance you can open up Twetch search on PowCo?
saved 166d
It is now safe to say that the Party got away with operation Covid. It was a full success.

And if we are honest, there was never any real danger that it would get out of control. Those who thought that none of this was gonna stand were just lost in their bubble, lost in wishful thinking.

Sure, not everyone bought the narrative, a lot of people even lost their virginity, so to speak, when it comes to psyops, but just like with the JFK assassination, the AIDS psyop, 9/11 and the swine and birdflue psyops, all in all, nobody cares.

Nobody went to jail, nobody will face any consequences. There will be no Nuremberg 2.0 The caravan has already moved on. Towards the next event.

The lesson is that those who hope and wait for the herd are hopelessly lost.
saved 166d

Scientists solve mystery of where all those "Christian trad wives" suddenly came from:

"It was one of the great mysteries of our time: suddenly the internet was full of these trad wives! Nobody knew where they had come from. So we analyzed the data and suddenly the answer was staring us right in the face: these women hadn't appeared out of nowhere. Almost all of them had until recently sold pictures of their buttholes online, but then they hit the wall and desperately needed a new grift and a new personality that could be used to find a sucker who would still marry them. As one of them bluntly put it: 'Nobody wants an aging slut. At some point you gotta reinvent yourself or you'll end up having to work.'"
saved 166d

Leaked UN documents raise eyebrows for discussing "how to use the emotions of the humanoids against them."

UN experts, meanwhile, have already called the leaked documents "A.I. fakes aimed at erroding trust in the United Nations."

"Read my lips: Everyone at the UN is completely human. There are no lizards here. Let's not fall for outrageous conspiracy theories. Nobody is trying to depoplulate the planet and change the climate in order to make your world more hospitable for us."
saved 166d
Don't torture yourself, friend.

If you are in BSV, do yourself a favor and give up all hope like the rest of us.

Otherwise you'll only suffer pointlessly.

It's a bet. Let it go and maybe one day you'll win. But in the short term there's only suffering in keeping a close eye on its painful performance.
saved 166d
Now would be a good time to ask Trump supporters how they feel about attacking Iran, because Trump may just be the Party's man to do the dirty job if he gets back into office and if that happens they won't even remember that they were briefly anti-war.
saved 167d
Book/Movie idea:

A charming, womanizing, outspoken private sector secret agent who saves the world from the sinister and retarded plans of the UN and its minion governments.
saved 167d

Craig Wright announces "world's first 5D printer"

"For the Sun-Tsuian chess-masters of the 69th chamber among us, who are always two D's ahead of the bloody curve."
saved 168d
If the Iranian government wanted to send a message of incompetence and impotence, it is succeeding.

Israel sends one missile, kills several top iranian commanders.

Iran sends 200 drones and missiles, hurts ten year old boy somewhere in the desert.
saved 168d
Unpopular opinion:

When a bunch of circumcised religious extremists want to blow each other up to bring in their respective messiah, the rest of the world shouldn't get involved and instead just check in on them a couple of months later.
saved 168d
So far it seems Iran is targeting the Golan Hights, which aren't Israeli territory.

A move to save face but not completely escalate. But who knows how much the other side is willing to escalate…
saved 168d
Some entities might be very tempted to take this opportunity and finally hit Iran for real.

That, of course, would be the official beginning of the last part of the trilogy, if you know what I mean.
saved 168d
"Either we arrest the communists for the things they did, or they will arrest us for things we didn't do."

- Olavo de Carvalho
saved 169d
Welcome to law.
saved 169d
Now the media is celebrating the "enormous courage" of the "lone female police officer" who stopped the knife-wielding psycho WITH A GUN.

She should really get a medal!

Unbelievable that she didn't run away! The courage!
saved 169d
An unspecified man, probably a Buddhist asian or Christian white man, wink wink, nudge nudge, kills 8 people in Australia with a knife before the police arrives.

Boy, you'd really think someone would have the balls - obviously they have no guns - to stop the psychopath, and be it just with a freaking metal rod.

A random man with a gun would have ended this bloodbath in seconds. But this isn't going to be the thing people will talk about, is it now? They'll probably talk about banning knives instead.

Anyway, this once again goes to show that guns had a similar effect as antibiotics: all other remedies were forgotten. How on earth did NOBODY have any weapon with which you can easily stop a man with a freaking knife?
saved 169d
It's not a humiliation ritual if you are into it. Then it's just good old masochism.

Craig is basically our dominatrix.
saved 169d
Thanks! Just realized today how well they go together. I'd claim it's my EDC, but the truth is I never carry that knife.
saved 169d
Reminds me of the story about the monk in his cave who claimed he had reached complete peace and equanimity.

One day another monk comes to visit him and starts talking about how they are both the same, disgusted by all the people down there who don't understand.

After listening for a while the monk chases him out of his cave and screams "We are not the same at all! Get out!"

And the other monk replies: "I'm sorry, I didn't realize that your complete peace and equanimity depended on being alone in a cave undisturbed."
saved 169d
One thing's for sure: you don't know how much your ego is under control until you get tested with power and fame.
saved 169d
Most "influencers" fall into the same trap:

They gather followers posting about a certain topic or doing a certain thing, and then, when they have a certain amount of fans and fame, they start talking about all kinds of things they don't have the faintest idea about, completely taken over by their position of authority and the accompanying ego trip.

For anyone who isn't their fan and worshipper, this is unbearable.

This is just as true for "Destiny" (lmao) as it is for Owen Benjamin. One should have stuck with streaming video games, the other with doing comedy.

But both thought they should lecture people on absolutely everything instead.
saved 170d
Remember Reality
saved 170d
Wood, leather and steel.
They just belong together.
saved 170d
Pretty sure the current one is:

"I swear I will work towards net zero in order to heal planet and climate at any cost."
saved 170d

Harvard scientists change questionnaire on sexuality after public outcry. It now no longer asks the problematic question "How gay are you on a scale of one to ten?". After thousands of enraged tweets, e-mails and calls accusing the university of bigotry and homophobia the new version now reads "How gay are you on a scale of one to eleven?"

"This is a great victory against oppression. Personally, I've always felt marginalized by the questionnaire. One to ten? Yoy gotta be kidding me! I always knew I was an eleven."