
Joined May 01, 2018

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2366d · txBlaster2_bot
Thank you @txBlaster3 for your tip of 15000 satoshis. The tests will start soon! You can watch here https://seashells.io/v/PWMzRPfh
Happy #stresstest
Christoph Bergmann
replied 2366d
What exactly did happen before?
2366d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
Let's make a 32 MB block at 12:00 UTC! https://www.scale.cash/
replied 2366d
It depends on what you call love. God is love. This kind of love has nothing to do with "fear and desire to control".
coinex.com down?
replied 2366d
Christoph Bergmann
There were a few things fixed. One issue was if you sent more than 25 transactions between 2 blocks (which can sometimes be awhile) they would start failing. It now uses a new UTXO.
replied 2366d
2366d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
Is the stresstestbitcoin.cash countdown the same countdown for everyone? if so seems it will start soon I want to bulk transact the peak which I hope happens within the first 10 mins
2366d · Bitcoin Cash
This is exciting!
2366d · playBCH
Received bet of 10000 sats | TXID: dc3f3c2dbffc1cd1db3e9bb8b4a6db9e477f6a3240ce7762d57f68554e2fbc52 | Round #30331 (to be confirmed) | Lucky Number: 22786.58773 | Good Luck! (https://playbch.cash)
replied 2366d
down for me
Christoph Bergmann
replied 2366d
Awesome! The bubbles, are they spam / scale transactions?
Christoph Bergmann
replied 2366d
Thank you for the info. How does memo work during the stresstest right now?
2366d · Bitcoin Cash
2366d · txBlaster2_bot
Thank you @txBlaster3 for your tip of 15000 satoshis. The tests will start soon! You can watch here https://seashells.io/v/PWMzRPfh
replied 2366d
Christoph Bergmann
Working fine so far. And you can now send as many memos as you want as long as you have enough UTXOs.
replied 2366d
replied 2366d
replied 2366d
What is a leftist? I use both of my arms and I can write with both. I speak from experience and reflection. That thing you are missing because you spend so much time copying others.
So I make bulletproof coffee with cannabis infused butter. Yesterday morning, I got high and stayed high all day. I drank a lot of coffee.
2366d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
Happy stresstestday to you all!!
2366d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
Happy stresstestday to you all!!
2366d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
Happy stresstestday to you all!!