I make MES! Or parts of it
Thanks for that! Great UX improvement!
Breaking News! Memo.cash brings peace to North and South Korea. Moon Power!
2018 남북 정상회담의 날.
한국기준 ; 2018.04.27.
Legalization and education of psychedelic drugs world wide please!
Number of likes decreasing. Used to be 2x posts. https://memo.cash/stats
because people prefer to reply now
Difference between Twitter and memo? Memo gets better and better.
Apollo of Pythia was patron of Delphi and the key to the Oracle
BCH is bitcoin: p2p cash with unbroken tx history to its 2009 genesis block
Rule 1 of Memo: the more you post, like and tip, the more satoshis you get.
But we can't tip
Watched Trump whine this morning on F&F. Jesus Christ America what you doin
not watching Fox and Friends
Let's play chess! 1st to reply in A.N. w/ an opening move starts the game.
BTC is in bidding war, BCH plays chess.
Do tips to Memo profile go to devs?
Yep :)
Lets go MEMO! Great work on improvements!
Reminder. I'm NOT 1EWnweLyUSB1iz4pqtBmE9ykiz8VReVrGv. It's an impersonator.
This is the 500th onchain tx (in&out) for my Memo account!
Bitcoin Cash won't "fork" in May. Instead, Bitcoin Cash will just upgrade.
Showing unconfirmed new posts now. Still some edge cases with 0-conf though
Bitcoin (BCH) not Bombs for Syria