Wait a minute, as this topic thread becomes long, does that not mean that people have to scroll aaaaaal the way up to the top comment to comment, how does that work?
Not like we know if life itself is a net negative, we assume it is a net good, but humanity being the kiss of death to the planet, which could on net be a good thing.
From a non-human perspective there is nothing inherently evil or wrong about cancer, we conceptualize it as bad because it is contrary to what we value, but that is human values
However, we are just another form of nature expressing itself, it is not like humans can make a lasting impression on earth, whatever we do will mostly create a vacuum for future evolution
I get the cancer / virus metaphor for humans, we are using the world as a sort of host and our existence does kill of the other organisms at a high rate.
Making a thread about pictures of literal trash in a specific location then another with pictures of homeless people, I admit, that is pretty strange. I understand the case you are making.
The mining revenue will, at the same price, halve every 4 years by design, it is not designed to be a growth industry, just a necessity that is phased out over time.