Truth Perspective

Joined Mar 18, 2019

Interested in people from around the world.

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Truth Perspective
replied 2145d
Interesting - I would argue that the first implementation of a blockchain-based social network might not be last. Good mindfulness though! Is meditation good? You sound like you know.
Truth Perspective
Hello All!
Truth Perspective
replied 2146d
I wish I had an exciting life...
Truth Perspective
replied 2146d
Sleep actually has a variety of benefits and makes our brains more efficient...
Truth Perspective
replied 2146d
I do please! :)
Truth Perspective
replied 2146d
Me too!
Truth Perspective
replied 2146d
People can also get it by playing around on Memo!
Truth Perspective
replied 2146d
I think most people absolutely realise this.
Truth Perspective
replied 2146d
Tiene razon! But he won't be around forever.
Truth Perspective
replied 2146d
Thank you for sharing your life with us!
Truth Perspective
replied 2146d
The real Bitcoin should be whichever version is fastest and most efficient for whatever transaction is taking place. If the answer to that is Bitcoin Cash, I completely agree!
set profile 2146d
Interested in people from around the world.
set name to Truth Perspective 2146d