
Joined May 02, 2018

I am Kain_niaK, I need no further introduction.

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Imagine reading this in 2040. Hey old Kain_niaK. 1Niak6WPi1NDYquYGBc6TYVerheyEGeXM7
Sometimes I am the only one on memo.
2356d · There is a fork in the road.
And so we need to move forward, until there is enough distance and their lies can no longer be heard.Those who are in to the movement know exactly what I am talking about.
2356d · There is a fork in the road.
And so the only power they had there ... was the power of the lie.
2356d · There is a fork in the road.
On the old roads, they had installed gatekeepers. Gatekeepers that could use force. On the new roads, there were no gatekeepers.
2356d · There is a fork in the road.
we are going, many might follow. The further we go, the harder it will be for them to attack us. And so they do everything in their power to make us stay where we are.
2356d · There is a fork in the road.
we would create more and more distance between them ... until their voices can no longer be heard.And once we clear the path and show everybody that we know where
2356d · There is a fork in the road.
to stop us from moving forward. Even shouting really loud that they where the biggest believers in to the movement. But if only we would just keep on moving forward ..
2356d · There is a fork in the road.
them from one and another.And the more we hinted at each other to move on, the louder they made their voices. It looked like they did everything they could,
2356d · There is a fork in the road.
at stayed at the split in the road and those that had moved a little bit further towards the right path ... were still so close together that it was hard to seperate
2356d · There is a fork in the road.
, now it was them that started complaining. "What are you guys doing? We can't move forward! It's to dangerous! We have to stay here. Is what we have not good enough?"
2356d · There is a fork in the road.
Look, they are completely standing still! Let's try to ignore them and move on. Some other people had taken the right path with us, and when we tried continuing on that path
2356d · There is a fork in the road.
by the fruit of their work it looks like they are about preventing us from reaching our destination and not about them reaching a destination of their own.
2356d · There is a fork in the road.
But others tried to convince us to forget about the left behinders. They said: "these people are not interested in reaching the destination,
2356d · There is a fork in the road.
Some of us stopped, cause they wanted to shout something back.
2356d · There is a fork in the road.
They stayed at the place in the road where it forked. And they shouted at us: "you guys are crazy! And scammers! And idiots."
2356d · There is a fork in the road.
it seemed like going right was the best way forward to we went right. But some of the people did not want to go right with us.
2356d · There is a fork in the road.
There is a fork in the road.
You can go left or you can go right.
My new meme is finally here boys and girls.

Sir Elon Churchill
created poll 2363d
How do you feel about CTOR?
CTOR seems like the best solution but november is to early 2 votes (2 unique) · 600 satoshis
CTOR should be in the november fork, postphoning it would be bad. 3 votes (2 unique) · 0 satoshis
I don't really have enough understanding about CTOR. I need help. 2 votes (2 unique) · 0 satoshis
If a majority of BU and XT devs are against implementing CTOR in november, ABC should wait for their sake. 16 votes (16 unique) · 1,000 satoshis
I want to learn more about alternatives to CTOR first, before I have an opinion. 2 votes (2 unique) · 0 satoshis
Even if a majority of BU and XT devs wants to wait, ABC should push it anyways. 0 votes (0 unique) · 0 satoshis
I am not worried about what happens, I trust it will work out fine. 5 votes (5 unique) · 0 satoshis


Where is that memo.cash bot? To make lots of tx?
Hallo Stephan
created poll 2376d
Who said "Socialism is a catchall for many forms of collectivist government. It includes communism as well as fascism and many other types of state control. At the extreme they are all totalitarian."
CSW 2 votes · 0 satoshis
Donald Trump 0 votes · 0 satoshis
