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saved 1256d
The eating of human flesh & human sacrifice to false gods was definitely not good. Neither were the false teachings of the clergy of Christendom; teachings that were not Bible-based; misrepresenting the God of the Bible. The blind teaching the blind.
saved 1257d
You’re right. That is the past. What’s important is now and future. But we should not forget the under-privileged indigenous people of this planet.
saved 1257d
I respect what you are saying & will inform myself more about Hein. I have Austrian heritage & can relate; but it breaks my heart to discover the atrocities that indigenous people from all around the world suffered; and still suffer today.
saved 1257d
The victors of wars are the history writers. Peruvians & Mexicans never had the chance to properly communicate their real history. They deserve to be heard; but it’s hard to do so when all their (above ground) gold & silver was stolen & taken to Europe.
saved 1257d
The native Americans are very unfortunate. Actually, in 20th century, a lot of that gold that originated from Peru & Mexico, went to the USA from Europe, during the world wars. The Aztecs & Incas could have developed much further. Their time was too short.
saved 1257d
Spain, Holland, Portugal and all the other European countries that hold the Peruvian & Mexican gold & silver should return it to the people of those countries.
saved 1257d
Craig Wright has tonnes of undeniable evidence that he is Satoshi Nakamoto; without the need to sign any key (now). They are gnashing at the teeth right now because THEY KNOW he is Satoshi & that Craig has ALL the evidence to prove that he is the creator.
saved 1257d
At the end of the day, the Mexican & Peruvian gold & silver remained in Holland; it made Holland wealthy. It was not returned to Peru & Mexico. That money could have been used by the Mexicans & Peruvians to generate industry & income for their peoples.
saved 1257d
Peru & Mexico became independent of Spain in the early 1800s. The rape, murder & theft of those countries began in the early 1500s by the Spaniards. Spain governed those countries for over 300 years. The help that Hein provided in the 1500s was limited.
saved 1257d
My blood is essential European. However, I don’t like injustice. I don’t like it when people are portrayed as heroes when they are not; it is ethnocentric. The other side isn’t considered. I don’t believe races exist. We are all descendants of Adam & Eve.
saved 1257d
It might be a laughable joke to you. But you are seeing history through a very narrow Dutch-European lens. The reason why Holland is wealthy and Peru is not, is because the Peruvian money remained in Holland. It was not returned. Peruvians were left poor.
saved 1257d
If you owned a huge amount of gold & silver, your descendants would also likely be very wealthy. What if someone suddenly broke into your safe & stole it all? How would you be? How would your descendants be? The same happened to the Peruvians & Mexicans.
saved 1257d
I don’t think the 16th to 19th centuries is ancient history. It is recent enough for reparations. What I find disgusting is the fact that thieves, like Hein, are portrayed as heroes. They would be heroes if they returned the stolen money to the owners.
saved 1257d
No. I actually think that all the STOLEN gold & silver should have been returned to the Peruvians & Mexicans; regardless of the details of Hein’s estate. Most of that money remained in Holland & Europe. How were the Peruvians to get ahead without money?
saved 1257d
When I said “he”, I meant everything that belonged to him; including his estate which would include his family & company. The point is that the wealth remained in Holland. It should have been returned to Peru. Peruvians were left poor without their money.
saved 1257d
Yes I knew it. As soon as I mentioned that the responsible Europeans should return the gold & silver to the rightful owners, the Peruvians & Mexican governments, everyone went silent. No one wants to assume any responsibility or even discuss it.
saved 1257d
European weapons were superior ONLY because the Europeans, via Marco Polo, had stumbled onto the Chinese gun powder, that the Chinese used for celebration events; but it did not mean that the Peruvians were incapable of managing their own money.
saved 1257d
The native Peruvians & Mexicans were very intelligent people. Unlike the Europeans that had found the Chinese technology of gun powder, they did not develop the fire arm weaponry that the Europeans had. However, this did not mean that they were inferior.
saved 1257d
He was not a good man because he became very wealthy from the stolen gold & silver that belongs to the Peruvians & Mexicans. They should return the gold & silver, albeit late, to the Peruvian & Mexican governments. Without money, one is left defenceless.
saved 1257d
He did not stop the genocide. That is what the Dutch say to justify their keeping all the gold & silver. It should have been returned to the rightful owners, the Incas & Aztecs.
saved 1257d
What’s wrong with returning it to the Incas & Aztecs? They were humans too & very capable of looking after their own wealth. They controlled amazing sophisticated civilisations. I repeat, history is written be the victors. They were portrayed as sub-human.
saved 1257d
Today, gold & silver should be returned, by the European nations responsible, to the Mexicans & Peruvians. The Europeans became rich from those stolen precious metals. It is NOW time to return it to them. It should have been done many years ago.
saved 1257d
You mean the history written by the victors, the Europeans? What about the Peruvians? What about their history? Does it count? Does it matter?
saved 1257d
Hein was a thief. He should have returned the gold to the Peruvians. The Spaniards who directly stole the gold from Peru were also thieves. They believed Peruvians didn’t deserve to own what was theirs. They murdered, raped & stole. Yet Hein is a hero?
saved 1259d
With every dip, speculative supply (SS) of BSV decreases.

SS = 21,000,000 minus coins owned by strong hands.

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1 Businesses to make their processes more effective/efficient.

2. Well informed investors/savers.