
Joined Aug 31, 2018

Goodnight Springton!

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replied 2363d
My mistake, I thought the question was the other way around.
voted Electron Cash 2364d
created poll 2364d
Which BCH wallet do you use?
Electron Cash 19 votes (18 unique) · 550 satoshis
Bitcoin.com 28 votes (26 unique) · 1,146 satoshis
Handcash 6 votes (5 unique) · 0 satoshis
BTC.com 0 votes (0 unique) · 0 satoshis
Coinbase 1 votes (1 unique) · 0 satoshis
Jaxx 0 votes (0 unique) · 0 satoshis
Bitcoin Cash wallet 1 votes (1 unique) · 600 satoshis
other (indicate in reply) 10 votes (10 unique) · 600 satoshis


set profile 2364d
Goodnight Springton!
replied 2364d
It literally does everything that Bitcoin Core can do, but 32 times better. Multiple decentralized development teams. Also, nothing is stopping 2nd layer solutions from being built.
replied 2364d
Sorry, but my cat abuses me every waking day.
replied 2370d
He's using "Bcash" to troll about "Bcash".
2371d · 1 BCH=0.06678253 BTC (-9.97 Percent)
The irony.
replied 2371d
"Wishful thinking" got it to $20,000 last year. Stupid money yes, but stupid money nonetheless.
replied 2372d
r/btc is a batlleground swarmed by trolls and vote manipulation. But it is our battleground and we should not never give up the fight there. Learn to handle/ignore the trolls.
I just placed an order with purse.io to purchase an item from amazon.ca. I chose an 18% discount and it got picked up right away by an 'Earner'. Of course I paid with BCH. Totally cool.
Opinion: The only reason you would not want to prevent a chain split, is because you want control over the chain. This all comes down to control.
Opinion: The only reason you would not want to prevent a chain split, is because you want control over the chain. This all comes down to control.
replied 2378d
Sk8eM dUb
To the moon!!! ┗(°0°)┛ ..○
Bitcoin dies tonight.
Blockchair does not recognize BMG as the miner that mined the 23MB block. Is there any reliable evidence?
replied 2379d
You're going down the Marxist route with this line of thinking. It is not a crony system by default. Can it be? Sure, just like anything else. You seem to have a negative view of it.
replied 2379d
Money addicts claim to be capitalists to justify their addiction. Terrorists claim to be religious to justify their mental disease. Books get many people confused. Logic actually works
replied 2379d
I disagree with this. I think sats are fine.
replied 2379d
Then your definition of Capitalism is wrong.What you are trying to definine is Crony Capitalism.
Remove the block size limit completely. 23MB is all the evidence needed. Let miners set their own soft cap limits.
replied 2380d
Because profit is profit. You cannot blame them.
In the rainbow 🌈 my wife and me
Prove to me that CSW has the insane hash power he says he has. Then explain to me why competing miners would ever consider using his SV client. Yes, Coingeek has substantial hash. But so does everyone else.
CoinGeek's hash power has been seriously challeng..
I want start contributing more to BCH and I think I could be helpful by running a site to promote it in Italian which is my native language. In fact all the info is in English, but I dont find anything serious in Ita