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saved 54d
"Act now and you'll AUTOMATICALLY lose 3% of your purchasing power within 24 hrs of not spending your q2q credits.* Call today!"

*Lose 3% per day every day thereafter with number-go-down technology. CW&CA are not responsible for accelerating the effects of inflation. Side effects may include broken dreams, missed opportunities and shattered trust. Details inside!
saved 55d
If a normie can't run it without asking for help then it's a poor design. An app that only a handful of geniuses can operate cannot become the killer app BSV needs to achieve mass adoption. Design by default, must be to the lowest common denomitor. But rather than recruit a bunch of dummies as consultants for honest feedback, devs form a circle jerk to insulate themselves, treat the end users as disposable and then gravitate towards the next rugpull because they don't have the it factor required to be the next Zuckerberg. Praise Derp
saved 55d
saved 55d
What is SPV? Derp.
saved 55d
Derp demands our tiniest conservative dreams be sacrificed to the Teranode. The symbolic resurrection of St. Craig is coming. Prepare. And good morning
saved 56d
Yeah I totally agree with this. Now I praise Derp my creativity was cut off by my finances when I was younger. I was burning super hot. Likely wouldn't have survived, or at minimum turned into one of these flaming liberals on TV if somebody had actually funded my fruity vision. Now, I'm like ready to use the money to go off grid and start an orchard. Maybe build a bitcoin monastery. LOL
saved 56d
MBabble and NannaBabble said hasta luego yesterday. That was a good amount of recent activity gone byebye
saved 56d
saved 57d
saved 57d
What is the optimal sized image for inscribing on BSV?
saved 57d
HODL Derpcoin tight. 😆
saved 57d
Derp light
Full moon Satoshi
The werewolf of London court
Rekting victims

Howling night
Derp sight cacciatore
BSV drained of spirit
Tadr blood sacrifice

Regarded heights
Spilled on the ambulatory
Leaping through trees
Number go up

Strain d' anthracite
Burned and doughy
The Wolfman rises
Beast investment advice

HODL derpcoin
'Til crypto innards spaghetti
Silverbullet Vision
1 BSV = $1,000,000
Derp it
saved 57d
Thank u for all the laughs. May Derp lead u to greener pastures
saved 57d
Ego of the intellect confuses self-mastery with enlightenment. One is confidence required to refuse temptation, while the other is a transcendent state. Humility can be both good and bad as humble is often conquered. In this case, showing off that one is absorbed by the lies of Samsara somewhere between humble and foolish. Praise Derp
saved 57d
saved 57d
Gm. Luckily we have accelerated our retardation by decelerating our futures with number-go-down technology. Praise Derp for our humbleness and lack of vacation homes. Derp love everyone
saved 58d
saved 58d
Astute observation Y
saved 58d
TPTB have no sway over the enlightened mind. Because it operates on another level. Therefore, to be concerned about the lies of the world is to provide evidence of your lack of self mastery. Praise Derp.
saved 58d
saved 58d
saved 58d
saved 58d
No advanced knowledge here, only tardation. Derp puts everything as it needs to be. I ran this experiment, and had no desire to be rich. Set a modest goal of $100,000 so I could buy a piece of swampland and live in a shipping container. To be left alone. Derp did not see fit to answer that prayer. Instead, extracted my money into Saint Craig's machine. Continuing my suffering and poverty to show me I'm retarded.
All praises. Understanding my tardation may be the greatest gift. Derp I love you thank you for my stash of TardSV that only goes down. Derp derp de derp!
saved 59d
saved 60d
Praises be to Derp that Uncle Craig was wise enough to keep us from unnecessary Lambo injuries. Only a loving Uncle would shield us from the pain of pulling rich person muscles. And the eternal torment of Lambo fender benders. DERP is love. All praises!