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saved 71d
GM. BSV takes flight today Praise Derp!
saved 71d
No ser BSVtard best meme community full lunar orbit buggest bull run 1000X mars praise Derp!
saved 71d
TPTB have no sway over the enlightened mind. Because it operates on another level. Therefore, to be concerned about the lie only provides evidence of a lack of self mastery.
If others are caught in a lie it is of no concern. Because my concern is my own experience.
I'm not going to lock myself in to anyone's flat prison. Or become a servant to other's orbital military ambitions.
Rather, I will proceed to not GAF. The way nature intended.
saved 72d
Just Derp it. Tonight we rise!
saved 72d
In the end, flat or round Earth becomes another arbitrary limitation to human potential. I find most philosophical discourse on whether we are free beings or manipulated by some external force with ulterior motives depends on whether u think it matters.
Earth is flat. Awesome. Still have to make dinner for my kids tonight based on the available ingredients in the kitchen.
Both perspectives seem limited to me as I tend to believe reality aka your experience is the result of your imagination interfacing with the ether. Self imposed limitations must be removed. Praise Derp
saved 72d
This premise reminds me of how everyone who's in crypto is essentially shorting the currency of their own countries. And therefore, an active agitator or unpatriotic- basing personal gains on the collapse of systems.
Or should we find gold on asteroids or find it's an abundant element in the universe once civilization is interplanetary, will gold bugs calculate the new reality into their math or simply ignore the science and start a cult of scarcity?
I enjoy your line of thinking. Good morning.
saved 72d
BSV kids like "muh BTC transaction fees will bankrupt Saylor soon. " dude only has to press the sell button. All hail King Saylor. Praise Derp CSW was compassionate enough to make his enemies rich and his allies poor. This is the enlightened path. Thank u Derp all praises
saved 72d
saved 73d
saved 73d
GM. Praise Derp. Today we go full retard. Buckle up!
saved 74d
Pump it
Pampered machine
Reflecting on the infinite use case
In the mind of Derp
Creative force
If it moves mountains
It can resurrect Greg's career
Satishu infinity
1 BSV = $1,000,000
Life extension, youth enhancements
Zillow gone wild
For the tadr faithful
Praise Derp
saved 74d
Gm. Hypertard activated.
saved 75d
Phil Wilson is Satoshi

Does it matter?
Pump price
Very nice

Moon Boi blinking
Paid overthinking
Urban blight
Funk dat shite

Red wave
Launch token
Core broken

Praise Derp
'Til it hurts
Derp d derp

The mega million
Derp tard commune
Build the Bitcoin monastery
Hyperlink hawk

Tens of thousands
Of Billions
TPS unlimited
Do like Derp did
saved 75d
I pitched a "Starbucks" variation of Twetch to Mr. Wuckert but since I don't know how to code it didn't get much traction.
saved 75d
The solution to that is to require all legislation be sent back to the people for approval b4 it becomes law.
saved 75d
Banning lobbying is a good starting point. You can't have representation if your elected official can be bribed on the steps of the legislature.
saved 75d
Enterprise grade
Future proof
Dissappeared images
Good morning

Request denies
UX nonexistent
Bored to death
Transaction generator

Implied vibe
Rekt inside
Taking hides
Slip of the tongue…

Praise Derp only
For destroyed financial experiences
Learn to have fun
Poor Frogs

Take ur time in poverty
Gratification cometh
To the 1 MILLION $
We rise

Gandolf Craig
Phoenix returns
Riding a Pegasus
Of microtransaction

Only fear ye rot
The cosmic dot
Withdrawal not
TARDSV accumulation phases

Rectify in God's eye
Twinkling nye
At hyper tard collector
Activate derp energy

Derp derp d derp
Chisel the monument
Newest meme community
saved 77d
saved 77d
Derp noise
The paragon of perpetuity
Perplexing solution
Teranode m'fer

The relaxed
Maniacal mid wits
Treading on it softly
Whispers thinned

Prune the images
Old man's toes
Branched in solitude
Roots BSweewee

Fluid mechanics
Floppy disc fever
The BSVer
Hypertard activated

The Wenches quench
A Beavis drenched
Liars prognosis
Is Normie translation…

Derp's fire
Seventh level
1 million TPS
For 17 hodlers

Limited benefactor
Crispy cream feeling
Craig's dream of Hector
Drink the moon nectar

A Hive on Saturn
Dark side conquered
All chain reactors
Return to Derp

1 BSV = $1,000,000
saved 77d
The rise of cregcoin cannot be stopped. Praise Derp Phoenix moon cometh
saved 77d
saved 78d
saved 79d
tard moon cannot be stopped faketoshi rocketship leaves tonight all praises derp best meme community
saved 79d
Haha I thought for sure that new Jewish dude that's melting down was Actual's alt
saved 79d
Are u talking about Actyual Ayyy's new alt account?