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saved 1128d
@852 Twetch took “a penny for your thoughts” literally.
saved 1180d
saved 1184d
Real AF
saved 1243d
It's the only way to verify
saved 1252d
This statement was less to do with election integrity and more of an example to show how assuming people of one race are not all the same.
saved 1252d
Your comment proves the point. Thinking that an African American in a hoody should be feared and a caucasian is racist are both assumptions which can be very pernicious.
saved 1252d
Who do you mean by "they". Caucasian people? If the election was true that would mean most Americans voted against Trump and most Americans are caucasian. You are assuming that all caucasian people think and act the same which is not true.
saved 1252d
As for people speaking behind closed doors, they can want whatever they like. It does not mean that's what they are going to get.

Also, not all people from the same demographics are the same. If you assume the worst in them it can be pernicious.
saved 1252d
Racism is bad and you cannot control what is in someone's heart. Actions speak louder than words. If good things are being done for minorities then good. If they are treated unfairly based on race then that should be punishable.
saved 1255d
There is more in that statement.
Condemning the KKK, neo-nazis and white supremacist and he dated Kara Young, half African American.

It is true that greed can out weight racist behaviours.
saved 1255d
It is difficult to say whether someone is racist or not. But what we can do is look for the behaviours of a person. He provided criminal justice reform and increased funding to community colleges mainly affecting African Americans. Is this was racists do?
saved 1255d
Is D. Trump perfect. Hell no. Does the media misrepresent him. Hell yes.

I don’t agree with everything he says. But I don’t think he’s racist. I think he's a very disagreeable person who will tell you what he thinks and not care about peoples feelings.
saved 1255d
It also takes what he said about Mexican immigrants out of context saying that he called all Mexican immigrants rapist which he did not. He said they keep all the good Mexican in Mexico and all the bad people come to the USA
saved 1255d
It also misleads by suggesting Trumps racist because he gave an African American reporter a hard time. He gives many reporters hard times whether they are Black or White.
saved 1255d
The article critiques trival things such as saying Trump should have condemned white supremacism faster then he did it.
saved 1255d
It says Trump critiqued and criticised Obama. If he doesn’t like Obama does it makes him a racist?
He fired a contestant on the apprentice who had not contributed to the job who was African American and they suggest that was also racist.
saved 1255d
It suggests that Trump’s racist because he calls COVID the Chinese virus. Is it racist to call the flu from Spain the Spanish flu? Which is what people do all the time but that’s not racist. Spanish flu was from Spain. Covid was from China.
saved 1255d
So I found time to read the article.
It has many misleading and illogical statements.
Let me go through a few.
saved 1255d
Are you suggesting that it is safe to assume every old white man is racist and sexist? That means Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders right?
saved 1259d
People are starving in Venezuela and you are suggesting they are better off?
saved 1259d
That's one way to lose weight. And for many that's no laughing matter.
saved 1262d
You may not like Trump and that’s okay but you shouldn’t assume he is a racist. Show me proof and I’ve believe you.
saved 1262d
Didn’t he also pardon Lil Wayne and Kodak Black. If he’s a racist he’s doing a pretty bad job at it.

Trump most likely pardoned Steve Bannon because he worked for him, a business deal.
saved 1262d
Would a racist support and sign Criminal justice reform and the first step act which helps people within the criminal justice system who are mostly African American.
saved 1262d
Didn't Trump open one of the first clubs in Palm beach to Jews and African-Americans. Didn't he date Kara Young for two years who was of African-American descent. Didn't he publicly condemn the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists.