
Joined Apr 18, 2018

bacon and eggs.

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replied 2005d
replied 2005d
He's a beta troll at best. I like to eat those trolls. On chain. For eternity to see. Haha
replied 2005d
Not a commie. I do what works for me. I assume you never take a profit either you vile capitalist. Lol
replied 2005d
Who should I check in with to do free work? You? The state? The community? Hard pass. I do what keeps me engaged. If someone finds it useful then great. You are the ego here.
replied 2005d
Cool. I'll continue doing what I want. Thanks for your permission. Lol 😎
replied 2005d
Your mission seems to be to be a buzzkill on things that are of significance to the individual. If you believe u should control someones labor & time, you might not be a libertarian.
replied 2005d
#Bchforeveryone, including people with smart watches. Including people who treat themselves. Why harp on a personal project I build in my free time? More utility the better.
replied 2006d
Yes! It's in badger now. Coming soon. 🤞
replied 2006d
😎 treat yoself 😎
replied 2007d
And #Spice too!!!
Spent my day on my Samsung Watch BCH app. CashAccount integration, address monitoring, receipt notifications, and building in vibration and audio alerts. Hashrate and fees coming soon. #dailymemo
Join or start a #bitcoincash meetup near you!

Cash shuffle? Yezzzz, cash shuffle. #dailymemo
Interviewed a super interesting Serbian developer today. So incredible to hear how excited people from all over the world get about using Bitcoin as cash. #dailymemo