Who should I check in with to do free work? You? The state? The community? Hard pass. I do what keeps me engaged. If someone finds it useful then great. You are the ego here.
Your mission seems to be to be a buzzkill on things that are of significance to the individual. If you believe u should control someones labor & time, you might not be a libertarian.
#Bchforeveryone, including people with smart watches. Including people who treat themselves. Why harp on a personal project I build in my free time? More utility the better.
Spent my day on my Samsung Watch BCH app. CashAccount integration, address monitoring, receipt notifications, and building in vibration and audio alerts. Hashrate and fees coming soon. #dailymemo
Spent my day on my Samsung Watch BCH app. CashAccount integration, address monitoring, receipt notifications, and building in vibration and audio alerts. Hashrate and fees coming soon. #dailymemo
Interviewed a super interesting Serbian developer today. So incredible to hear how excited people from all over the world get about using Bitcoin as cash. #dailymemo