or they could do a bs v and reclaim "lost treasure" aka, old coins not moved within a set time period goes to the miners...like Satoshis coins. Either way they will do something fkd up
yea, im sure the day is not far when all LN/blockstream trolls/socks start trying to convince everyone raising the limit is vital (but not admitting btc is dying coz of them & LN)
yea, im sure the day is not far when all LN/blockstream trolls/socks start trying to convince everyone raising the limit is vital (but not admitting btc is dying coz of them & LN)
Within 6yr from now,Blockstream will raise btc limit for their products to survive miners will need fee payments in order to secure network But fees are to high,their wont be enough tx
CEO of Honest.Cash Adrian Barwicki is participating in ETH New York this weekend. Look who he bumped into... Vitalik Buterin Look at the photo here shared my #Honestcashhttp://prntscr.com/nqikm2
Went to a “Bitcoin Meetup” and left disappointed, sad actually, lots of guys there been in to bitcoin a long time but are still in it for “store of value” and price speculation, totally against bigger blocks.
Most of the population is mentally retarded so it's not surprising that any meetup attracts mostly retards.
Went to a “Bitcoin Meetup” and left disappointed, sad actually, lots of guys there been in to bitcoin a long time but are still in it for “store of value” and price speculation, totally against bigger blocks.
Funny they’re all bitchin’ about high fees, slow confirmations, yet totally against BitcoinCash when I bring it up, they’re minds are made up...
Went to a “Bitcoin Meetup” and left disappointed, sad actually, lots of guys there been in to bitcoin a long time but are still in it for “store of value” and price speculation, totally against bigger blocks.
And also funny, they all paid in cash/credit despite the restaurant taking crypto for a long time, I of course pay in BitcoinCash and make sure they saw/know... BitcoinCash works!