looking like the sell off is over. On to 500 now .
Yeah looks like about 14 billion just dropped into the market in the past hour 😎 looking good for another run up. Hopefully we all wake up tomorrow to a nice sea of green
Along side tattooing, I also do wood burning art, also known as “pyrography”. This is a Buddha with Mandala design that I originally drew then wood burned into wall art :)
Wood burning art is a very slow process. This piece took approximately 15 hours of burn time to complete. Not including wood and design preparation and end product finishing sprays.
Along side tattooing, I also do wood burning art, also known as “pyrography”. This is a Buddha with Mandala design that I originally drew then wood burned into wall art :)
I am pretty sure that you must relocate every 30 or 60 days or something like that in order to live on crown land. There isn’t a lot of crown land left in the warmer parts of Canada
Since the original btc/BCH fork, I have been watching BCH activity on TrxHiway & TXstreet. It has been extremely satisfying seeing the steady growth visually. I’m so grateful for both these sites 😎👌🏻
BTC is going to collapse eventually. Technology gets replaced by better technology .History shows this. BTC is not the best technology in the space. Some never learn.
So true. It’s a shame that narrow mindedness can cause such blindness that high fees can be seen as a positive and successful thing. I am grateful that Bitcoin Cash is well& thriving
It’s currently $4.19 to get into the next btc block. It is astonishing to me that this can be justified as a good thing in the minds of core. First world mentalities don’t care about 3rd world solutions I suppose
It’s currently $4.19 to get into the next btc block. It is astonishing to me that this can be justified as a good thing in the minds of core. First world mentalities don’t care about 3rd world solutions I suppose