
Joined Apr 15, 2018

Founder, director of Morello International an int'l food biz

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2437d · 10k Satoshi for Follow me
I followed as well.
2437d · 10k Satoshi for Follow me
I followed thanks
2437d · 10k Satoshi for Follow me
Blockhead loves tips 😄
random liker
2437d · 10k Satoshi for Follow me
sure ok!
2437d · 10k Satoshi for Follow me
2437d · 10k Satoshi for Follow me
2437d · 10k Satoshi for Follow me
Bird King
2437d · 10k Satoshi for Follow me
done :)
2437d · 10k Satoshi for Follow me
replied 2438d
Same to me. While I am still reading, and while the content still has quality, however the quantity and collaboration is really lacking.
Reina Nakamoto
2438d · Ideas to improve our lives
Think of what you really want to do in life, then think of practical ways to achieve it, break it down. Give yourself rest sometimes. Balance all your needs.
2438d · Ideas to improve our lives
eat green veggies
2438d · Ideas to improve our lives
wake up early, start the day with some excercise to get the blood flowing, set up a morning rutine you can easily "win". good morning sets you up for a good day
2438d · Ideas to improve our lives
Do it right and forget about it. Best feeling in the world.
2438d · Ideas to improve our lives
Do it right and forget about it. Best feeling in the world.
2438d · Ideas to improve our lives
wake up early, start the day with some excercise to get the blood flowing, set up a morning rutine you can easily "win". good morning sets you up for a good day
I'll be honest - when I first signed up for Memo, I was quite skeptical about it. However so far I've mostly only seen support and generousness to new members. Now I see Memo as a great place to get on and settle in.
This is so overwhelming, thank you for those people who donate especially Pewdiepie08. Thank you all
replied 2438d
Yea I guess it's not easy to import to here. But people really enjoy good quality here. Perhaps, if I find a good use-case I can let you know. I am off for now, cu later.
2438d · Ideas to improve our lives
With three simple movements, you can gain core strength and keep your body strong. These are pull-ups, push-ups and squats. Simple, free and efficient.
voted in poll 2440d

The Bitcoin Cash logo. Which color looks best?


green is my favorite color
replied 2438d
That's actually a pretty good point.
2438d · Ideas to improve our lives
A thought that drastically has improved my life: "there is always something useful to do", since I believe in this, I always have something useful to do.
2438d · Ideas to improve our lives
I'm always on the lookout for someone who is not begging but looks like they need a a bit of help. Pass some money to them and thank them for making my day.
2438d · Ideas to improve our lives
Reduce eating of high calories food.