
Joined Jun 02, 2019

My name is Steven Green and I'm an abductee. Into crypto, mainly BCH & ZEC. Software developer & garage DJ. I wouldn't say I have a drug problem. It's like I've not a problem with drugs whatsoever, I'll try anything.

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replied 1963d
Spice because I can actually use it without trying to figure out the ridiculous "Lightning Network" in order to use BTC for payments.
replied 1974d
You are on the list! I use the SOUR balances page, which shows balances of all holdrs
replied 1976d
Yeah, any wallet that supports SLP tokens. I use badger & electron-cash SLP or you can just use Memo.
followed 1987d
followed 1987d
replied 1990d
will check this!
replied 1989d
Seems like it's working all good now for me. Thanks!
followed 1989d
followed 1989d
followed 1989d
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