
Joined Mar 28, 2019

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The below comes from this link:

You will only be able to read the full version on Bitcoin SV.


"The Resentment of the Experts

In this paper, we will expand on some of the reasons why many of the early developers in bitcoin loathe capitalism.

These individuals see themselves as special. They have more knowledge, and they believe they are more intelligent than the other people around them. They look back to stories and tales of caste and status based societies. In these, they do not think about the degradation and poverty of the many, but their own fate. In that caste or status based society, one can always ascribe the conditions of the world to fate and to scenarios beyond one’s own control.

If you are poor or you’re a slave, it is because it is your place in society. There is never any reason for you to be ashamed of your place or your rank. There is nothing that is your doing. Your family cann...
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