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saved 106d
saved 124d
A quick lesson on projection

And how to mold it to serve us,
Rather than cause us to stumble

Projection is how we perceive the outside world based on whatever it is that we have going on inside

How can one who is despised and rejected by another spend years giving so much while never feeling disrespected?

How can one who is loved unconditionally by another spend years being given so much while never feeling loved?

If one walks this earth with love and innocence in the heart,
one will only be able to perceive love and innocence

If one walks this earth with hatred and deception in the heart,
one will only be able to perceive hatred and deception

The ‘problem’ with having an innocent and loving heart is that one is simply unable to comprehend malintent, therefore unable to perceive the hatred which surrounds

The ‘problem’ with having a malicious and hateful heart is that one is simply unable to comprehend generosity, therefore unable to perceive the love which surroun...
saved 126d
The beginning is near
saved 133d
saved 149d
Every Last Secret

Are you ready…?
saved 154d
I cured myself of “Covid” with a 10 minute cold shower

I told everyone around me about all the natural healing methods I had been learning since 2018:

Essential Oils
Ice Baths
Cold Showers
Martial Arts

The overwhelming majority of those around me thought I was a fool because I was simultaneously informing them that human trafficking was an epidemic that needed to be addressed

What is free will?

Were those who chose to live in fear throughout 2020 and 2021 (some even to this day) even alive?

Where does fear come from?

Do my people perish for lack of knowledge?

What does it mean when someone says
“You can lead a horse to water,
but you can’t make them drink”

If it’s not our job to wake the masses up, why take on the overwhelming burden of keeping them alive?
saved 155d
Left up to you, I guess things would continue to be the way they’ve always been…

…which is exactly how it should have been

Truth be told, left up to me it probably would have been the same as well

Change sucks

But…well…things changed

The genie doesn’t go back into the bottle

The world will never be the same
saved 155d
I see your point, and I’m not disagreeing with you

It’s an inside job, for sure

That being said, there’s no going back now. We are in the midst of a mass awakening. To deny that is to pretend like the last 4 years didn’t happen.

So I guess not we have a choice:

- Do we assist with the awakening if the masses by seeking Truth, and awakening ourselves?


- Do we spend our days being mad at the puppet who was put into the White House to usher in this Great Awakening because he didn’t wake up the world in the way that we think he should have woke up the world?

Oh…that’s right…we don’t think that we should wake up the world…

Never mind

Too many mental gymnastics

Negativity isn’t my thing
I choose red pills over black every time
saved 156d
If there is a group similar to those you've decided to label as
"the chosen few"
they would simply be defined as those who have *chosen* to tune out the programming and assess the Truth without being heavily influenced by outside forces, and you'd be spot on with your assessment that there are few…though that number is growing at an exponential rate as of late

My claim is that none of it matters

We are trained and coerced from birth into walking a physical plane
Rather than seeing that it's all spiritual

What we see on the outside is a reflection of what is found within

Corruption? As within, so without
Swamp? As within, so without
Stolen election? As within, so without
Coup? As within, so without

Did these things happen?
On the "world stage"…? 🍿🍿🍿

Were these activities perpetrated by the "bad guys" to retain their power?
Were these activities perpetrated b...
saved 164d
I don't know

You'd have to ask them

Many of your fellow citizens are
That's for sure

I'm happy to hear that you're keeping it padded

Mine was cold with hard walls
saved 164d
saved 164d
Some believe that Trump didn't
- Lock up the corrupt* power elite
because they get their information from the media

Some believe that Trump didn't
- Drain the swamp
because they get their information from the media

Some believe that Trump didn't
- Stop the steal
because they get their information from the media

Some believe that Trump didn't
- Fight the coup
because they get their information from the media

They don't understand this, because they are convinced that they are too smart and too clever to be fooled by the media…

They're not alone

I once stood where they stand
Now, I choose to stand over here because there's a better view

- Show me a corrupt power elite
- Show me a swamp

- Show me something that was stolen

- Show me a coup

Now…do it without the media…

I once believed that I was too smart and clever to let them get inside my head and shape my worldview as well

Then, I woke up


saved 210d
Have you not read?

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saved 969d
Love your enemies.
saved 972d
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saved 998d
We’ve all watched the Covid narrative crumble.

Is it real?

Was it a pandemic?

Why’d they do it?

What was the goal?

How hard would they fight to control the flow of information?

Would they take down social media?

The internet?

We’re at war.
saved 1002d