Let's play chess! 1st to reply in A.N. w/ an opening move starts the game.
BTC is in bidding war, BCH plays chess.
Are you absolutely certain of that ;-)?
Lol. Confidence asymptotal to certain!
How can you say that with certainty?
No one wants a chain split this time.
How can you say that with certainty?
Absolute certainty doesn't exist.
This is the 500th onchain tx (in&out) for my Memo account!
Bitcoin Cash won't "fork" in May. Instead, Bitcoin Cash will just upgrade.
Bitcoin Cash: not just "to the moon", but "to the stars, and beyond".
Not even realizing that you are making onchain txs is the future of crypto.
@memo: "Transaction propagation taking longer than normal." Too technical.
Reminder. I'm NOT 1EWnweLyUSB1iz4pqtBmE9ykiz8VReVrGv. It's an impersonator.
Watch Hidden Secrets of Money episode 4.
There's one rule in life: if someone tells you there's a rule, break it.
A little while ago, BCH hit 0.15 against BTC. Now it has hit 0.16!
BCH just hit 0.15 BTC again on kraken.
Bitcoin Cash exceeds €1000 again!
The greatest pleasure in life is DOING the things people say we cannot do.
Showing memo.cash to my friend.
Onchain spam doesn't exist. There are only valid and confirmed txs onchain.
Memo's didn't confirm when balance was too high. UTXO set error = post bug?
@BitcoinCashHoarder, your uname is too long to quote and type usefl msg! :)
BCHoarder: Gold value to increase due to metals price manipulation failure?
In the last 24h, 87 of the top 100 coins performed better than BTC